
Paderborner in Länderspiel-Einsatz: Visar Musliu rejoices with Nordmazedonien

Paderborner in Länderspiel-Einsatz: Visar Musliu rejoices with Nordmazedonien

End of a negative series

Eight games long, the Nordmazedoniens A-Nationalmannschaft did not win more. Selbst gegen Gegner wie Moldova, Montenegro or the Faroe Islands, depending on Sieg. But am Dienstagabend ended this negative series. So feierte der EM-Endrunden-Teilnehmer von 2021 in der Nations League C einen 2:0 (0:0)-Heimsieg v Armenia.

Inverted Visar Musliu from SC Paderborn has much more to offer here, the team lets it be known that there is no stand. And if the war is self-declared, one of the most important Armenian Armenians will decide the siege of Latvia and Wales. For the rest, North Macedonia must act the whole second in the series, because Muslius Abwehrkollege Gjoko Zajkov short for the papal pfiff of German referee Harm Osmers had seen the yellow red card.

Enis Bardhi (70.) and Bojan Miovski (78.) shoos the Hausherren in the National Stadium of Skopje when they went to Sieg, with the Nordmazedonier de Telefoonführung in their Nations-League-Gruppe-übernahmen. Visar Musliu spielte wie schon am vergangen Samstag (1:1 on the Faroer Inseln) over the full distance, was a series of fun in the SCP-Zweitligaspiel in Preußen Münster (Freitag, 13. September, 6.30 PM) weitern schmälern dürfte.

If you are in the 29th century in the Zweitliga season, there are 135 minutes of playing time, but then a rich game and new self-defense tanks. In October Musliu dared to contest his A-Länder games number 63 and 64. For North Macedonia the Nations League parties in Latvia (10.10.) and Armenia (13.10.) are on the agenda.

An ex-Paderborner is guilty

For Florent Muslija the start in the Nations League day not at all according to plan. Enjoy the free top scorer of SC Paderborn with the Kosovo National Team who has a 0:3 draw against Romania. The son of the 26-year-old Mittelfeldspieler is then together with his teammates Arijanet Muric and Edon Zhegrova from the Kosovo Football Association suspended and pre-emptively to the home.

Grund: Das besagte Trio hatte das Mannschaftshotel am Samstagabend unerlaubterweise verlassen. Kosovarian Media reports will question the three national players of a club and will first see on the Sonttag 2 Uhr zurückgekommen. Now report to Muslija via Social Media zu Wort. „Manche Behauptungen stimmen, manche aber auch nicht“, acknowledgment of the Ex-Paderborner and fugte and: „I have a good feeling, for the Ich natürlich auch the Verantwortung übernehme.“

You will see the player say the following: “I swam for the Nations League game against Zypern or Absprache das Teamhotel verlassen. It is not like you spend a night in a club, while you are an Abendessen. To get out of here. No question: That was certainly not the best and worst idea of ​​my life.”

A trainer was there and he was found guilty. “So it was a no-brainer. And we know it, but: So there will be no more passion,” he said. At the age of 26, the Kosovan national coach Franco Foda was nominated for the Nations-League-Partien in Lithuania (12.10.) and against Zypern (15.10.), which took place. Ohne das suspendierte Trio feierte der Kosovo jedenfalls am Montag een sovereign 4:0-Erfolg auf Zypern.

Pokal tickets for Dauerkarten-Inhaber

With an exclusive Vorkaufsrecht for Dauerkarten-Inhaber, SC Paderborn started the Vorverkauf for the DFB-Pokal-Heimspiel against the first SV Werder Bremen. The 2nd round match will take place on Wednesday, October 30 at 6 p.m. in the Home-Deluxe-Arena. Von Donnerstag, September 12, bis einschließlich Montag, September 16, können sich Dauerkarten-Inhaber ihre angestammten Plätze sichern. The Plätze is available online, via Ticket Hotline and directly in the SCP Fan Shop in the Home Deluxe Arena Book Bar. This applies to the ticket price for the Zweitliga-Heimspiele 2024/2025.

In a two-way shopping phase, SCP-Mitglieder von Donnerstag, 19. September, 9 Uhr, bis einschließlich Freitag, 20. September, ein exclusives Vorkaufsrecht. Jedes Mitglied kan bis zu vier Tickets. After the sales phase for the future of the shopping season 2024/2025 on Saturday, September 21, from 9 a.m. to 11:59 p.m., weitere Tickets are available for purchase.

Another possibility is that the SCP informs an exclusive Vorverkauf for Mitglieder and Dauerkarten-Inhaber in the Anschluss. Tickets for the Gästeblock are available at SV Werder Bremen. We are looking forward to playing for the Regional League Home Game of the U21 against FC Gütersloh (Freitag, September 13, 7:30 PM), for the Zweitliga Home Game against Hannover 96 (Freitag, September 20, 6:30 PM) and also the Zweitliga Auswärtsspiel beim Hamburger SV (Samstag, September 28, 1 p.m., Volksparkstadion).