
App soll mehr Sicherheit im Wiesn-Zelt bring

App soll mehr Sicherheit im Wiesn-Zelt bring

An app that raises the security level during the Festzelten at Oktoberfest. The App SafeNow war in a year of testing in Schottenhamel-Zelt is likely now that Katharina and Peter Inselkammer’s armrest has appeared in the “SafeNow Zone”, shared the announcement with.

Guests and guests can click on their personal herbal remedy with one click – for example, in a sexual way about mountain riffs or a Mediterranean Notfalls.

40 Alarm

In Schottenhamel-Zelt we are aware of the consequences of those who died in the year 40 Alarme – 40. Since then, our personal security is safe and sound, with a speech. Check whether there are medical indications for using other settings. There is no fehlalarm.

If a club is located at the benachbarten of Beieren-Park-Gelände, in most cases after the weed, that can also be the case. Since the past year, the service has been prepared in two other Munich clubs. Check out the app to put people on a note, if they now have a low bed.

“Ort des unbeschwerten Feierns”

The complete Sicherheit was no longer used, but the app became a larger part of the Sicherheit beziehungsweise Sicherheitsgefühl, such as Wirtin Katharina Inselkammer. ‘Die Who is an Ort des unbeschwerten Feierns bleiben, and dies is een grandiose
Support for this.”

Wiesn chief Clemens Baumgärtner (CSU) spoke of an innovative Ansatz, a niece of Wiesn, who has more control over the disease in Munich. Laut Tilman Rumland, Gründer von SafeNow, kann die app in Bahnhöfen, Schwimmbädern, in öffentlichen or privateen Einrichtungen zum Einsatz kommen.