
Life-Projekt zur Rettung der Bergwiesen in der Rhön abgeschlossen

Life-Projekt zur Rettung der Bergwiesen in der Rhön abgeschlossen

  1. Fuldaer magazine
  2. Fulda
Life-Projekt zur Rettung der Bergwiesen in der Rhön abgeschlossen
So we found an intact Rhöner Bergwiese in Frühling. © Friedrich Mährlein

The Life-Projekt Rhöner Bergwiesen is a full story: Which life phase for the American beds can be realized and more than 1000 hectares of zugewachsene Bergwiesen will be set up. In addition, three extra tours were realized.

Hilders – “Bei der abschließenden Kontrolle haben wir good Ergebnisse gesehen”, bilanzierte Maria-Jose Aramburu of the European Union on Donnerstag (5. September) at Buchschirm oberhalb von Hilders in Landkreis Fulda near the Abschlusstermin.

In the Leiter der Hessische Verwaltungsstelle des Biosphärenreservates Rhön, Torsten Raab said: “We have lived in the past and eight years of recovery.” Jetzt gilded ash, the Maßnahmen fortzuführen“, ergänzte Katharina Bach, who is active for the responsible project.

Project zur Rettung der Bergwiesen in der Rhön abgeschlossen

I started the Life Project in 2016. 7.2 Million euros from EU-Mitteln and from Land Hessen represents its Verfügung. It became longer until September 2024. Das Ziel: Those Bergwiesen and Hutten in the Rhön Biosphärenreservat with their perhaps failed Pflanzen- and Tierwelt, which you verbuschen drohte, zu retten. When the Flächen disappeared, there was little business left.

You will certainly die in stature at the Landwirte on the steep and remote Flächen. The swirling and selected Pflanzen were so pressed, they were dried out. There are also bird art, especially those who are attracted to the Wiesenbrüter, and who enjoy the birds more.

The project has delivered final results, the agriculture and nature conservation are working together. Now that it is gilded, there is talk of consolidation and this good cooperation is getting stronger.

Im Project projects can cause dangerous Flächen in Landkreis Fulda, speziell in der Rhön, herausgefiltert. 400 hectares of Hutungen and Kalkmagerrasen since the fresh Büschen and Gehölzen are served, soft drinks can be enjoyed as well as the meadows.

More than 150 art fairs in Wiesen have not been established or reimbursed in the Abstimmung mit de Landwirten de Nutzung umgestellt or bestimmte Mähzeitpunkte festgelegt wurden, een de Blütenreichtum zu fördern. Cattle 200 hectares of living space are available for bird art with Wiesenpieper, Wachtelkönig and Bekassine verssert.

Ben Buchschirm at Hilders and the Abschlussveranstaltung with all Beteiligten statt.
Ben Buchschirm at Hilders and the Abschlussveranstaltung with all Beteiligten statt. © Rainer Ickler

It is possible to use the machine after the hint. Speziell der Goldene Scheckenfalter ist wieder in der Rhön vertreten. It is an interesting country for a nutzung, with Christian Hohmann from Wickers, who lässt seine 35 Ziegen and 50 Rinder on the preserved Bergwiesen meadows. “I’m going to die, I want to end the Artenvielfalt,” he said.

Martin Sudbrock from the Landkreis Fulda machte deutlich, who has a lot of influence on the Zusamenwerking with the Landwirten ist. While the twins follow the life projects, this can no longer be carried out. Therefore, the Landkreis will help the Landwirte further.

The Bemühungen for the Rhöner Bergwiesen are with the Life-Projekt nicht zu Ende. A Plan that takes all the responsibility into account to ensure that the future of the started Maßnahmen will continue to be a permanent cultural landscape.

When the Wiesenbrüter discovered art in the Rhön in Hesse, before they stood in the east, their life was as good as their life projects. About 20 years ago, the stock has grown in the seventies, at Wiesen- and Baumpieber, Bekassine, Wachtelkonig, in 2024 in the Kinzigtal on the motorway and on the motorway.

The Raubwürger and the Braunkelchen do not die in the fall. This is why the project is so heavy: “If we take care of our work, we will live here in the Rhön, we will continue to have a living space here. The art expertise is excellent,” says Elmar Herget, Sachsgebietsleiter Naturschutz beim Biosphärenreservat and fun life project leader for many years.

Since the projects have been completed, three extra tours (Der Ehrenberger, Ulmenstein und Wasserkuppe) have been added. On the Strecken, the next day the Information Table on the Besonderheiten der Bergwiesen and the dort brutenden Wiesenbrüter hin. Being a tourist is tough.

Dadurch verstehen de Menschen de Rhön und besonderheiten besser, sagen Johannes Metz von der Rhön GmbH und de Ehrenberger Bürgermeister Peter Kirchner. Since 30 years, Landschafts- und Naturführerinnen- und Führer im Zuge des Projects have been born. If you ensure the protection of the nature of the Rhöner and the Rhöner Tierwelt of man, which includes the Botschafter des Life-Projekts Rhöner Bergwiesen.