
Kampf von Pflegeeltern with German Behörden: Eine Mutter erzählt

Kampf von Pflegeeltern with German Behörden: Eine Mutter erzählt

Were an Australian strain, what Hilfe deserves – or? Leader fails, erzählt a Pflegemutter.

Bloß kein Kind ohne Pass! If the war is a breakthrough, my wife and my young adult is formed before our Pflegesohn came to the three months in our family. If there is talk of zweifache Pflegeeltern, there can be talk of a disturbance. Therefore one of the business problems would have, which are highly educated at the ausländischen Pflegekindern. If we wonder what else is there, one of the Jugendamt-mitsen would see the Passangelegenheiten geklärt.

But then it was still a Child without a Pass. Of course it is so that in the moment it is no longer wool. If the little Wurm lasts longer in the arm content, it will shift and continue to work for a longer time, which can happen in a certain time. The war dies kindly, it is so stiffened and a frightening problem, it became difficult and it would be a fact that we were there. So an uninterested Genügsamkeit cannot be without some kind of problem. If the problem with the pass changes, the wind changes into the image of the big lie, the man is found.

Frust vader Pflegeeltern: “Wir verringen unsere Tage damit, Behörden anzurufen”

Today these letters are considered to be a cause for concern. In the German Bureaucracy State it is a regulation for everything, while there is no way, who is an alien care child, or has a pass an identity card. The biological mumbles for the war in the Ukraine and how the child was brought to Germany to the world. Ob se in Germany remains, is still unclear. It was clear: if you cannot use this, the small problem is that you leave the door with us. Our son is born in Germany, has a German birth certificate – but no pass.

It is the first time that the Ukrainian State Citizenship is sold. If you have a kind of so-called apostille, a glazed abscription from the German health care system, that will be a real must for the Ukrainian consulate. Apostille-Behörden are the most important requirements of the Federal Office for foreign interests that in every federal state other foreign interests contain. Welfare provision or welfare care If you draw up these offers like this, this is not clearly regulated. If you want to set these up, it is regulated differently in every federal state, in every municipality and community. To a large extent: this month is the best thing you can do, with possible telephone calls and the absence, e-mails and foreign messages in Germany in Germany. Now it is worth reading the tag, the man who writes another story is one of the first things we have done. No one sees that it is responsible, a glazed Abschrift auszustellen. Statistics can be found in the context of the information about them and theirs.

Without a pass you can no longer make any trips, incur any debts, or open an account.

Our care home is currently living with a fictional certificate, also one for the mountaineering residence title, on September 23. Danach would have a new experience, of which the Monate is generous. It is frustrating for brands, that the system ensures, child interrogations, but not to the end thinks, was the best: Our care home darf do not travel without a pass, we can not leave Germany until further notice and make no vacation. If your status can change, a debt burden from a bank can no longer occur, but also a loan that is released, is very complicated. There are no heirs and no own children in the fall.

The Jugendamt has seen one of the best things – one of the best man-hilflos. The end is still not reached. Problem: The Ausländerbehörde das Jugendamt hangs up last. It is a question of having patience.

So who has a problem is that the Pflegeeltern ausländischer Pflegekinder falls. For many identity-related separation purposes, there are no rules at all, then the bundles will be separated after their own messages, whether a German-born Australian child cares for a Pass. Manche Pflegeeltern kämpfen seit year a geburtsurkunde or the Staatsbürgerschaft for ihr Child. These children are born in Germany, know their country, their Sprache, their culture. Bekommen sie keinen deutschen Pass, droht in im erwachsenalter woman die Abschiebung in een in zijn fremdes Land.

Gemeinsam with 80 others Pflegeeltern kommt veld Expertise zeeammen.

Mittlerweile has a with more than 80 other people in a Facebook group called together, in their information, experiences and contact-austauschen. During their hundreds of e-mails with paragraphs, autumn messages and experience messages, which come together as a Gruppe, there is a certain expertise present. This problem plays out in solving problems with the EU states in Drittländern. If you follow a service for a year, apostilles or passe-partouts, as experts in the field of care have become, the own fault has not ended up with your job: your choice.

Many family members are not aware of the identification path to the camp. If you are afraid that the children come from the family, it is an unusual sin. Manche kapitulieren irgendwann. And that while the Vermittlung der Kinder in the children’s family has quickly become the most important Ziel – a Heimunterbringung has become teurer. Family members were burdened, the power of the man was a matter of onfassbar schwer.

If the problem of politics is solved, the theme is solved. These children end up with an identity card. If you have a vereinheitlichung at Passangelegenheiten, a clear regulation, with a solution for the cases of a big sollen. These children have no lobby anymore. If you have a brauchen.

Our colleagues can laugh like that, which is a more normal way. Legen with a game in his game, then talking is a matter of being and beschäftigt sich mit sich zelf. If it is good, then it is so that they both grow bigger in their hearts and in their hearts. And the night has gone through time, while the kitchen is in the Ruhe zurückholen, which does not last so long.

Diese Ruhe würden becomes one of the family wishes. Wir träumen davon, nicht jeden Tag endlos Mails schreiben und Telefonate führen zu müssen, under de Zeit gemeinsam als Familie genießen könnten. See how long it takes to explore all the interior parts of the EU.

This kind of thing deserves a Zukunft.

I think I am afraid of the anstehenden of the Bundestagwahlen. After the Wahlergebnissen in Saxony and Thuringia it will not represent anymore, it was for the Aufenthaltsrecht our Pflegesohnes and our Familie that could work. If you no longer desire something that no longer exists, your status is clear and your right is obtained, that is my sister.

This kind of thing deserves a Zukunft. It can’t be that it’s not that it’s in the Low Sind a Passangelegenheiten zu kümmern. There’s no guilt that the Bürokratie and the Politiek are so unlike sind. There’s a kind of right to an identity, which is German or Ukrainian.

Remark: At the request of stern I have seen the Federal Office for Migration and Flight (BaMF) as the Office for Foreign Affairs, which in these Environments could not have any Auskunft gebenften, so it is not seen as such. The BaMF verwies auf the Amt für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten. This article indicates the responsibility of the individual Ländern: “The Zuständigkeit der jeweiligen Inlandsbehörde ist Ländersache”, writes the Amt in a mail. On the fragment after one of the plant associations of the Passangelegenheiten erhielten wir keine Antwort.