
Reisen als Akt der Selbstfürsorge im Trend bei German Reisenden

Reisen als Akt der Selbstfürsorge im Trend bei German Reisenden

Erlebnisreisen have had a positive influence on the well-being of German travelers, including a study of the islands of Icelandair. De ergebnisse-legen nahe, dass solche Reisen nicht nur dem Entdecken new Orte serve, sonondern as akt der Selbstfürsorge and personal Entwicklung were observed.

It is interesting that women are receiving the positive messages. If you want to use half the time, you go through the journey in your own scaffolding construction. While all the mental work and stress that the stress causes during the recovery from the stress, the Abenteuerreisen was intended to be a work method that would increase the mental weight of the recovery and the stress of the scaffolding.

This knowledge of the trend, which journey more than now has begun – is a way to live a lifetime and develop an active self-care strategy. Spa-Days is placed on the housing for 56 pieces of the fragments with a substantial component of holiday activities. Self-care and wellness count for above half of the Germans to the most important priorities.

Neben dem Focus on one’s own play on the social aspects of the travel and entscheidende Rolle: 70.8 Prozent der Befragten legen großen Wert darauf, Zeit with Friends and Friends and of the Family zu Verringen.

The result of the research into a new component of the storage capacity was 57.58 percent of the best fragments. The interest in a new world and culture can be expressed in a hereditary development and a better lifestyle in life.

Interestingly, some of the time is fragmented, a balanced error from the venture and moderate to extreme activities. Die verdeutlicht, dass velde Reisende een Kombination aus Erholung und Abenteuer in der Natuurschätzen. Ausflüge in Natur (54 Prozent), Schwimmen in freer Natur (51.2 Prozent) and Bootsfahrten (48 Prozent) zählen zu den Favoriten among the German Urlauberinnen and Urlaubern.

If you do those things, there are many more things that are the 10 Percent of the Fragments, which are impressive after a while, but there are exciting travel stories.

The combination of self-study, social connections and new developments in the world of the foundation for the housing finding is probably a German travel experience in the field of the photos.

“It is best if Zweifel knows that Urlaub plays the corperliche role as the spiritual Gesundheit von Nutzen ist. We have studied, it is a time of Alltag, the Abbau von Stress and the stress, it is exciting, the blood pressure is felt and the rework is versersern. An active occupation will ensure that you can no longer enjoy the good and healthy well-being with that thing. If the Erlebnis is active, it becomes increasingly greater that the weight reduction comes about with the acidity in the Blood circle. All Aufenthalt in nature can influence the frequency and the blood pressure, which is effective for the Aufenthalt in nature, according to Dr. Deborah Lee, expert in the field of mental health.

If interest in an island as a travel soul is shown, Iceland has created an interactive quiz, while the trip goes abroad, activities for an island trip at the end of the trip are possible.