
Stefan Mross spoke emotionally about the Demenz blessing Mutter

Stefan Mross spoke emotionally about the Demenz blessing Mutter

Jeden Sonntag entzündet Stefan Mross (48) in Europapark in Rust at the signaling show “Immer wieder sonntags” in Schlager-Feuerwerk, das Stars der Branche is magical viewht. The Staffel-Finale war is a major war. If you enable the moderator, you can keep another group of people in the middle, and that little bet is private. Den seine Mama Stefanie (82) is a Demenz sufferer. The entertainer said he thought and spoke about the Schicksal blessinger Mutter.

Stefan Mross: “Mama lives in my own world”

“My Mama lives in my own world. We will be able to see it, so often it is possible to have a good time”, so we enjoy conversation with “”. How the Erkrankung is written, it is worth insulting the Volksmusikstar.

When Stefan grows up, he will live in Mama Stefanie’s house, but he can be more of a Demenzkranke-kümmern. “I am very grateful, because my brother is so grateful for our Mama,” said Mross. “Sie schaut auch meine Sendung.” And there is still itself: “Sie freut sich, wenn sie mich sieht!”

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Mross en seine Partnerin Eva Luginger (36), with her great pleasure, so often who can be happy with the message. The family birthday is described by the Schlagerstar as its idyllic: “Wir hear my mother and I will never be without anything. They will always travel with one Witz! I live happily ever after.”

Leader is the family of Eva Luginger von Demenz affected, while Mrs Erklärt: “Demenz is a theme in our family. Also Evas Grandma is the madness we have written and will tell the more I am with the madness.” The experiences with the secret Krankheit-welds in a night’s memory became: “Keiner weiß, was our own change in life. Aber Rücksicht and Verstandnis braucht es bei diesem Krankheitsbild definitive and in jeder Hinsicht.”