
The most spectacular U-Bahn of the world

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U-Bahn in Neapel: Also available in the Metro station: the “Toledo” station
Also featured in the Metro: the “Toledo” Station ©

Neapel is a part of the chance that the essence of Essen, the best way, the pulsating culture, the powerful Vesuv is. The örtlichen U-Bahn is said to be the spectacle of the world. When man on the Rolltreppe überwältigt wird…

The “Metro dell’Arte” project has created an important part of the city’s art history. More than 250 works of art were projected through the various stations – and the stations themselves increasingly became Gesamtkunstwerk. Naples Metro is the world’s largest museum for contemporary art under the Earth. The U-Bahn station as a cultural city and new hotspot for world tourism. 15 stations have been completely redesigned, more to follow, as reported by

See who's in the Inner Sea: the “Toledo” station in Naples
See who in the interior of the Lakes: the “Toledo” station in Neapel ©

Neapels Station, Wed du Meer fuhlst

One of the most spectacular stops is the Toledo Station on the Spanischen Viertel – here you can see more, in the Sinde van Wortes. For a distance of 40 metres, the spectacular light channel by the Spanish artists Oscar Tusquets Blanca is connected to the U-Bahn shaft with the erdoberfläche. Die “Olas”, die Wellen uit tausenden Mosaiksteinen in Blau an der Decke und de Wänden, welden und die Rolltreppe die Wellen fühlen.

The interior of the canals has been given shape by the American artist Robert Wilson with light harmony in turquoise blue by the man who got the fire, in the canal that would become. On the U-Bahn shaft a few meters further, at the signal installation “At sea…you and I” one has the feeling, to run through water. It is possible to illuminate the final impact of movement during a special printing technique on two very long LED light boxes, when one enters the reflection shop.

The Garibaldi Metro Station in Neapel: The Roller Trains can be seen freely in the air
The Garibaldi metro station in Neapel: The rollers show free access to the air ©

Futuristic buildings and sacred works of art

“Garibaldi”, the U-Bahn station at the main station in Naples, is a completely different spectacle: the futuristic shaped station with “swirling” moving steps, which cross over. The goose in steel with mirrors is a surreal atmosphere, in everything that changes otherwise. The French star architect Dominique Perrault has managed the free construction of the light at a distance of 40 meters, creating a work of art for Ort.

From July 2024, the metro station “Chiaia” was built in the fourth quarter, thanks to the Italian star architects Uberto Siolo with a sacred Australian Gallery. The first entrance of a glass dome is conceived, for a distance of 40 meters light to the Gleisen fall. The journey of a Jupiter figure with 24 arms – the patron saint of the travelers – begins, before there is a spectacular shaft to let the Wendeltreppe scream. Engraved here is a verse by Ovid: “Est in aqua dulci non invidiosa voluptas” (translated: In pure water lies a congratulations, for which nobody beneides). There is a range in the green shape and houses a large reproduction of the National Archaeological Museums, the whole works quickly cathedral-like.

Die im July 2024 new Haltestelle “Chiaia” in Neapel: large Art.
Die im July 2024 new Haltestelle “Chiaia” in Neapel: large Art. ©

There is an antique temple in Neapel’s Dom-Haltestelle

The Haltestelle Duomo provides a fertigstellung for a sensation. When the construction of the Bahnhofs a part of the temples of the isolympic game begins, he dies in August in 2 AD. gegründet wurden. There are works of art found that are covered with the Greek inscriptions and that contain the names of the winner of the feature film. This discovery has a separate stream in the shape of the art station.

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The distance to the Bahnsteigen at 40 meters distance is shifted by the steel coverings, in the six-secure over the day different large illuminated geometric geometric beams. The station is a Spaziergang through the gestaltet-tag, all over it is day light through the spectacular glass dome, and follow the lighting from blue to orange of the sunsets. A work of art by the Italian star architects Doriana and Massimiliano Fuksas The Spaziergang through the Tag is thus symbolized. A gigantic glass dome is enthroned on the Temple, the light in the U-Bahn station disappears. In a Zwischenebene you will find Temple and Museum building.

A cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts

Since 2001, all new sales networks have started as aesthetic gesamtkunstwerk. The Kunstbahnhöfe became the Akademie der Schönen Künste von Neapel jointly with their traffic-related services Azienda Napoletana Mobilità (ANM) incorporated and maintained content. It is an art metro from Neapel in a journey with the spectacular U-Bahns of the world in Moscow, Shanghai or Dubai. Günstiger gibt is soviel Kunst vermutlich nirgendwo: a single fahrt costs 1.50 Euro, a Tagesticket 4.50 Euro.