
DSDS starts in Europa-Park: Dieter Bohlen reveals “Goldene CD”

DSDS starts in Europa-Park: Dieter Bohlen reveals “Goldene CD”

DSDS starts in Europa-Park
Dieter Bohlen overreicht seine “Goldene CD”

From Kai Butterweck

The start of the 21. “Germany is looking for a superstar” team fell into the Tür ins Haus. If the new king of Löwen is a talented Hellseher from Berlin and a Phil Collins-Klon, all Hocker has done is.

The dream of the great career under the banner of “Germany seeks the Superstar” (DSDS) lives on and goes, embedded in the beautiful full “Europa Park”-Kulisse, in the next round. Between “Silver Star”, “Timburcoaster” and the “Matterhorn Blitz” the ladies and gentlemen Beatrice Egli, Loredana, Pietro Lombardi and Dieter Bohlen are all present. Would I have the “No Limits”-runs to get the DSDS-crown as best package package at the start?

“Deutschland sucht den Superstar” in Stream and TV

The active follow-up action of “Deutschland sucht the Superstar” is as fast as the time starts at 20:15 on RTL+. The Australian channel follows the linear TV program of RTL and starts on a Wednesday evening at 20:15. On you can watch messages and orient messages on the following pages on RTL+.

Ohne, Schnickschnack became a glitch and a powerless one. The Hamburger Original Nissim Mizrahi dares to eröffnen the Staffel. Das Besondere a bartender from the Hanseatic city: Nissim watches Phil Collins, is 60 stols and streams tagsüber Einmann-konzerte via Tiktok in the other world. Der dreifache Vater hat nicht nur ein großes Mundwerk (“Mach mal das Playback ein bisschen lauter!”), Apart from auch a Stimme, which the complete Jury prepares after the first Strophe of the Stühlen haut.

A format record for storage

Nissim has the complete Adult-Rock/Pop-Bandbreite zu bieten. Egal, by Gary Moore (“Walking By Myself”) or Michael Bolton (“How Am I Supposed To Live Without You”): Der young Oldie, as a 15-year-old with Udo Lindenberg, has everything he deserves and earns with seiner Performance a record moment. Plötzlich supported by fully inspired Dieter Bohlen with his “Golden CD” for the Candidates and thanks: “That’s not the case with DSDS, but that’s a first candidate if you want a ‘Goldene CD’!” After a course of “I can see Phil Collins!” – Kostprobe (“In The Air Tonight”) is available with the signal “Goldenen CD” and with the Recall-Ticket weeder on the road to the house. Was for a take-off!

The jury members have a mighty spa in the Europapark. The jury members have a mighty spa in the Europapark.

The jury members have a mighty spa in the Europapark.

(Photo: RTL / Markus Hertrich)

There is a Casting Tag with other Candidates, which is signed and can be loose in the Driving Schedule in the Direction Recall. The tattooed Brazil-Ösi Leonardo is playing on the tracks of Shawn Mendes (“Mercy”) was met with applause. On the 22nd birthday of Luca Montante, the jury can decide with the “Kämpferherz”. It is a fact that Pietro has found a man in the Castings selection “excepted” on Luca. Now his Vorbild (Pietro) will say: “Ich werde kämpfen als ein Löwe!”, roars the learned Mechatronics. Kurz played the sound melody of Tom Odells “Another Love” – ​​​​and the “Löwe” from the Taunus that appeared in the Recall. The ticket in the next run is the Soul of Adrian. The 37 years of all the things you see in your life can be seen in a bar, with a beautiful soul in the same. It fell on Gefühl and Grönemeyer’s “Der Weg” on the road of the Candidate Road in the Herzen der Jurymitglieder. “I’ve been wearing it for a long time!”, Loredana said clearly.

Badelatschen, Popart-Jäckchen and null Talent

Of course it is not likely that the best talents are brought to the market. So the voice of the blonde Lisa from Bischofsheim with a balloon, the man is insulting with another look, while he irritates the Apache-Double Metin in the labyrinth of the false Tonart. The Auweia-Bird of the Day shoots but Florian Rateuke from Berlin ab. There is talk of a “youngest Hellseher Deutschlands” in bathelatschen and skurrilem Pop Art-Jäckchen.

When they saw Loredana a Flappe, while she did her best, Karim Adeyemi came home from Schalke in the night. The mood drop is not unfounded. Kaum started playing “Ice Cream” from Hause Twenty4Tim, the candidate plays from his Klamotten. It is a blue-red-white camouflage shoulder and a similar kind of spritzflüssigkeit, which is so cheap and sticky on the capital’s night plate. Pop titan and chef Dieter Bohlen happily does not torch long and short trials: “You can’t do anything!”, says the jury boss. I would spend more money on Herrn Rateuke’s Peinlich-Auftritt than on his sagas. Obwohl … Beatrice fell for Farewell yet was a: “Good Improvement!”, the Schlagerbardin calls. Closing will be one thing, but that is not so.