
Wieden beats the WM-Halbfinal – Sonstige Sportarten

Wieden beats the WM-Halbfinal – Sonstige Sportarten


Wieden beats the WM-Halbfinal

At the Weltmeisterschaft in Mannheim, the Tauziehfreunde Bollen and the Tauziehclub Wieden are jewels with two Teams and the Club Open. At the Vereins-WM, the balls in the 640-kilogramm class of the men in Gegner’s group from Belgium, England, Israel, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Taiwan are traded and passed as Zweitplatzierte das Halbfinal knapp. Gleiches galt for the U-23-Wetbewerb (bis 600 Kilogramm), including Balls as Fünfter das Nachsehen gegenüber dem punktgleichen Team from the Netherlands (4.) hatte, das in Half-final end. The Wiedener is located here on Sechsten Platz. The Junior class (up to 560 kilograms) has been ranked by the Tauzieh club. The Wiedener Nachwuchs war is an international youth player in Staffordshire, Great Britain, as one of three German teams. Behind the TZV Buch (18./Landkreis Neu-Ulm) Wieden came on the 19. Platz, in front of the TZF Pfahlbronn (35 ./Rems-Murr-Kreis).

Resort: Other sports fields

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