
Nova and Bürgerfest ready to start – Friesenheim

Nova and Bürgerfest ready to start – Friesenheim

Walter Holtfoth


These preparations for the Friesenheimer Festival from 20. to 22. September have been canceled since. Die Nova is a Berufsmesse. Der Bauernmarkt is in Rathaus-stattfinden.

Prepare for the festive celebration by subnell, Frank Oehlke and Timo Siefert. | Photo: Walter Holtfoth
Preparation for the Festwochenende said sich (from left) Edi Silberer, Julia Berger, Mark Arnold, Charlotte Schubnell, Frank Oehlke and Timo Siefert. Photo: Walter Holtfoth


Bürgermeisterstellvertreterin Charlotte Schubnell concreted for the political community of both Veranstaltungen für Friesenheim. Since 1981, the Nova has been a permanent file …

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