
Was the power inherently a Notfallsanitäterin?

Was the power inherently a Notfallsanitäterin?

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Was the power inherently a Notfallsanitäterin?
Viktoria Steiner is a non-fall sanitation worker at DRK-Kreisverband Siegen-Wittgenstein. © Henning Kaiser/dpa-tmn

I am Notfall zur Stelle: That is the everyday of Viktoria Steiner. The Job Protocol was so that he had such great power and that he could do his best.

Siegen – Schnell met de Rettungswagen ausrücken en sich am Zielort is een Verletzte or Kranke kümmern – dat is de Job van Notfallsanitäterinnen und Notfallsanitätern. A moment when a psychological burden is imposed brings with it a single damage. If you want others to start flogging, Viktoria Steiner, Notfall Sanitäterin at the DRK-Kreisverband Siegen-Wittgenstein, can say in the Job Protocol:

Warum ich diesen Beruf gewählt habe

I would like to work with people and heal, as Hilfe brauchen. It is a matter of meditating, it is worth going.

Consider a hat in a closing event: As young people hate the mirror once in the arm. In the moment I was very aufgerechtt – and my environment ebenfalls. We feel help us, because we did not know, what we wanted to do. If the rescue vehicle gets a big war, the war will have a huge outburst and gratitude. When the efforts go through the head, it can happen that one of the non-water treatment plants has fallen. Später entschied ich mich, the profession of the Pike on his leather.

What education do I have?

If there is a double challenge for the cleaning of the sanitary facilities, it is about a Berufsfachschule and it is about the statistics of the Krankenhaus. I am in the Krankenhaus busy with various Abteilungen-tätig – another in the interdisziplinären Notaufnahme, in the Intensive Medizin, in Anästhesie- and OP-Bereich which is in the psychiatric Fachabteilung. So I can enjoy a glimpse of my favorite things.

What my Alltag looks like

In my profession it is not the classic Arbeitsalltag. Every day is different. Man weiß morgens nicht, was die nächsten Stunden brought. The service starts tomorrow at 7 o’clock and ends at 7 o’clock, also on 24-hour shifts. I am on my way back and am waiting on the morgenberg for an einsatz. In the federal states it comes in Schnitt to four as an Einsätzen per Tag, in the city it is in Schnitt 14 Einsätze per Tag.

Notfallsanitäterin Viktoria Steiner
Proud longer Schichten and hearter Einsätze möchte Viktoria Steiner in his abwechslungsreichen Beruf and de Möglichkeit, in Notsituationen hellen zu können, nicht miss. © Henning Kaiser/dpa-tmn

If you use the Rettungswache for one of the Ruheraums, the woman can do this. A report from a control room in the Gürtel became informal, when it was a passion and a zusammen with a college or a college with a deferred soll. Tagsüber ich ich binnen half a Minute, nights binnen half von zwei Minuten startklar sein.

Let go of the light and the Martinshoorn. Before it is good, must Erste Hilfe be leisten and the health care of the health care or the verletzten of the überprüfen. Sin in Lebensgefahr? Should a notary or a notary be changed? If the autumn has died, an alarm must be sounded and one of the medical notifications will be carried out. This is the care of patients and patients or wiederbelebungsmaßnahmen. If you obtain the medication, the creditworthiness of a person is stabilizing. If the Notaries or the Notaries start, they help in the processing of the actions.

Notfallsanitäterin Viktoria Steiner
Einsatz mit Blaulicht und Martinshorn: Viktoria Steiner is ready today, with people in Not zu helfen. © Henning Kaiser/dpa-tmn

Our medical care can help us to give patients and patients a right and certainly in a hospital transport. Before you can use your e-insatzfahrzeug, you can let your dort and überwachen through the vital functions. In case of necessity, we guide you along the way medical measurements. A clinic where the patient or the patient is nice, helps patients in treating and painting the disease, writing written documentation.

Notfallsanitäterin Viktoria Steiner
Safe transport in the hospital depends on Viktoria Steiner’s advance – the Überwacht continues to maintain the vital function of the patients. © Henning Kaiser/dpa-tmn

Then you may have a cleaning and disinfecting with the einsatzfahrzeuge, that you can use the best Medicamenten- and control functions, with all medical devices a-wall-free functionality. When the time has come to take the next step, and others can take a break.

Wenn ich einen Tag – als 24 Stunden – gearbeitet habe, habe ich eigentlich zwei Tage free. In the practical position, it is possible that there are insanity or language clauses from the lecture halls. Vorgeschrieben zwei Diensten ist always a Ruhepause von eleven Stunden.

Who has emotionally charged moments?

Yes, my job is mentally taxing. Man would be manchmal with Leid konfrontiert. If it is good, it is a matter of verszorgen, whatever it is. If the notary is a team, the fact that something goes wrong, and it is a whole lot that goes wrong. If you have moments when you log off and say “Ich lass das jetzt nicht an mich run” – the functional nicht. It may be tough, but my sense of sympathy and empathy has never been lost.

One of the possibilities for work is for my sport. I jog and do cheer dance. So I get the head free – and it is a bodily an adjustment for my profession, while they often have much more.

What night my job brings with it

Property could last 365 days in the year, also standard, it is possible to work. It may be that you have fallen, then Ersatz must be her. Insofern exists for a feeling in the sin of the free time and with the family and friends who do not work. A free woman of Freitag will know her sunntag as a rule on a nicht – an irgendeinem Tag zum Wochenausklang muss ich with greater trueness work.

I would be happy to visit my Beruf festhalte

My profession is very reckless, there is really very much to me. I consider it a privilege, in a situation where help is in the fight. It is a good choice for a gutes Gefühl. One of the team members – the rescue vehicle – will sweat more and more – and the power will get another power than Freude. Ich möchte mijnen Befreuf nicht missen.

Information boxes: Closed cans

The content of non-falling sanitary facilities and sanitary facilities depends on the work environment, the work environment, the work experience and the various work requirements. Laut Entgeltatlas der Bundesagentur für Arbeit liest das mittlere monatliche Bruttoentgelt (Median) für fullzeitbeschäftigte Notfallsanitäter en -sanitäterinnen voor 3,864 Euro. The median is what matters in the form of a dating report. There is something worth it if half earn more, the other half less. dpa