
Pro Asyl has adopted a Mechanism of the Ampel Plane

Pro Asyl has adopted a Mechanism of the Ampel Plane

Pro Asyl has adopted a Mechanism of the Ampel PlaneThe refugee protection for asylum cases, while the Ampel-Pläne for a provided migration policy asylum and the German borders will be taken over, the consequences in another EU country an asylum seeker will become. “If someone has the right, the number of return requests will not be increased”, said Karl Kopp, the leader of the European section of the Organization, of the “Editorial Network Germany” (Donnerstagausgaben). Italian nehme is noisy Time no one else back. The preparation for this must be available, however.

Griechenland nehme nur Flüchtlinge aus sieben Herkunftsstaaten auf. “A lot of damage was done by the German Administrative Courts, weil in the Ländern, in the Zurückgewiesen soll, unmenschliche Behandlung drie, da es die kein Bett, kein Brot und keine Seife gibt”, said Kopp. If it is the Bulgarian autumn or in Belgium, men on the Schlafplatz will have more bekämen. Kopp concreted: “Wir können die Menschen nicht ins Elend schicken.”

Photo: Helfer in a “Zeltstadt” (archive), über dts Nachrichtenagentur