
Katja Arnold joins MC Services

Katja Arnold joins MC Services

The Düsseldorf Public and Investor Relations agent MC Services has left his support team and helped Katja Arnold with other matters. He is the third partner and managing director of the Munich location, the Führungsspitze, of a specialized Life Sciences and Healthcare agent, the agency twins Raimund Gabriel and Anne Hennecke, partner and representative, file.

Katja Arnold joined MC Services in 2013 and worked as a partner for four years. In 2016, he became the expert for strategic financial and corporate communication in Munich as Managing Director. Other professional positions included Treuhandanstalt, Marseille Kliniken, Zapf Creation, Cat Consultants (currently Silvester Group) and Wilex (currently Heidelberg Pharma). In his 25 years, the Certified Investor Relations Officer (CIRO) has conducted research in biotechnology, medical technology and diagnostics for venture capital firms. Arnold hat

Unternehmensfinungen, M&A-transaktionen, Lizenzverträge as well as all phases of the biopharmaceutical product management and marketing communication. Other Schwerpunkte und Tätigkeiten were C-Level unternehmens-Positionierungen, Managementwechsel und Krisenkommunikation.

“We are friends with our Katja now and have a good relationship. We have lived in the past for eleven years with a great commitment to the future of MC Services at our standord in Munich and with a dedicated team and a Portfolio innovation. Life-Science-Kunden can be developed and strategically discussed. Since then, my long-term heritage and extensive know-how in our own environment will be clear,” said Raimund Gabriel, Gründer and Vorstand.