
Sojus-Kapsel near Internationale Raumstation – ZDFheute

Sojus-Kapsel near Internationale Raumstation – ZDFheute

The start of the Sojus-2.1-Trägerrakete with the Raumschiff Sojus MS-26.

The Raketen-Start start is a problem and the Sojus-Kapsel exists eight minutes after the Abheben of the Umlaufbahn.

Source: dpa

An American-American and two Russians flew to the International Space Station ISS in a Sojus space ship at the speed of three beautiful and fast minutes.

The “Sojus MS-26” with astronauts Don Pettit and cosmonauts Alexei Ovtschinin and Ivan Wagner has started to start the Russian Weltraumbahnhof in Baikonur in the steppe of the Central Asian Republic of Kazakhstan, which has made a plan in the orbit of a Russian air force in Roskos mos medium.

Zur plants Ankunft am Außenposten der Menschheit um 21.32 Uhr MESZ reported Roscosmos erolgreiches Andocken.

International Space Station

After a quick flight to the ISS in April, space traveler returns to Earth. More experimental experiments can be performed on the international space station.06.04.2024 | 0:18 min

It started in love with an offensive problem, and the Sojus-Kapsel arrived eight minutes after the Abheben the Umlaufbahn – an Erleichterung for the Russian Raumfahrtbehörde, after which an automatic Security System in the course of a Start roads a Spannungsabfalls in Energy system stopped hat.

Launch of the Sojus Rocket

The Kasachian Baikonur is in one of the Sojus rockets with three space flights in the direction of the ISS. Make sure that there is a start version that solves technical problems. 23.03.2024 | 0:21 min

Hairstyle soll 202 Tage im Weltall bleiben

The “Sojus MS-26” has a weight of 130 kilograms on the plate, which allows for experiments and personal approaches to nutrition. The capsule should remain in the world for 202 days.
Part of the political span in the Moscow war countries will help Ukraine, Russia and the US in the future. Astronauts are busy with the Russian Raumschiffe, an ISS according to.

Russia will fortify itself with the US

Roscosmos chief Juri Borisov spoke about his late night commitment to an extension of the pending reunion with the US to 2025 to the common space flights out. It seems that there is a big chance of the ISS.

Zugleich bot is of the US-Raumfahrtbehörde NASA Hilfe one, since Astronauts are not busy with the “Starliner” of Erde zurückkehren konnten. Also, the USA has engulfed Russia in the war.

ISS Astronauts

Both astronauts, who were on the International Space Station ISS in June on the Rückflug, did not return until February. Ground is a technical problem.25.08.2024 | 0:23 min

Relaxation with food after “Starliner”-Panne?

A board of the ISS has never been as old as astronaut Suni Williams and astronaut Barry Wilmore, which is why the plan is no longer being carried out. Make sure that the space ship “Starliner” is in the Saturday on the Erde zurück. A flight of both with the Pannen-Raumschiff would have been considered an unsafe situation by Nasa.

Nun sollen die both Astronauts eight Monate in All verringen – statt, wie ursprünglich planted, eight Tage. Russia can ermöglichen a Sojus-Rückreise.

Space ship Starliner on the way to Erde. A Raumkapsel hung three waterfalls on

After three months, the ISS’s Raumschiff Starliner went to Erde.07.09.2024 | 0:23 min

It is no longer possible to use spacecraft to see cosmonauts and astronauts at the edge of the ISS. If the Russians and Americans find the Besatzung deutlich über der üblichen Sollstarke.

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Source: ZDF

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Source: dpa, AP