
Russia launched the counteroffensive in the Kursk area

Russia launched the counteroffensive in the Kursk area

Don’t let the device hang up. Alaudinow is a vice-chief of the political Hauptverwaltung of the Russian Streitkräfte.

The war in Ukraine Anfang August predominated in the Kursk vorgestoßen area. In the Zuge dieser Offensive, Kiev more than 1,000 quadrat kilometers erobert and fell Russian soldiers captured. Ziel des Vorstoßes wars is, Moskau is most involved in the teilweisen Abzug von Soldaten from the ostukrainic area Donezk in zlingen, in the Kursk region on deck.

This lime is no longer in sight of the military defense. The Russian military power has received a great power from the Ukraine, like Schutz of the Kursk, but his hauptangriffs have never been geschwächt.

Kremlin chief Wladimir Putin, who had hated the War on War in Ukraine for more than a year, called the Ukrainian Geno Offensive, Russia’s first Kriegsgebiet force, as a provocation. Die Angreifer würden af ​​jeden Fall vertrieben, kündigte een. Previous transactions with the Kriegs-lehnte are ab.

The Russian gegenangriff is the first seriousness of the Russian elections, the Ukrainian Truppen from the Kursk in history. From a military expert who is aware of one of the best military fighter planes in the south of the best situated battlefield. The Russian Verteidigungsministerium has no official authority for the Rückeroberung of Ortschaften anymore.

Unterdessen kündigte der Kreml an, “angemessen” auf a possibile Erlaubnis der USA zum Einsatz von de Ukraine gelieferten Raketen auf Ziele in Russia to respond. “Sie wird angemessen sein”, said Kremlin Speaker Dmitri Peskow in the Mittwoch on the Frage van Journalisten nach een poglichen Antwort. They argue that Peskow led Russia’s military offensive against Ukraine in response to the Western push for Ukraine.

“Jede derartige Entscheidung des Westens (…) is a weiterer Beweis for the vindictives, notnauwen and alternative characteristics of Spezialoperation” in der Ukraine, says Peskow unter Verwendung des vom Kremlaten Begriffs for das militärische Vorgehen.

US President Joe Biden has lent his services to one of the journalists who are engaged in the government of a Freigabe in the United States and Ukraine that lasts for a long time for fear of the Russian Territory.