
Krise at Volkswagen: “Standorte zu schließen kann keine Option sein”

Krise at Volkswagen: “Standorte zu schließen kann keine Option sein”

The service of the VW Spitz is another bombardment: The Wolfsburger Autobauer has had an extensive Beschäftigungssicherung service since 1994. These are the new rates that the management in a Kündigungsschreiben and the IG Metall now officially represent. Entsprechende Ankündigungen hatte Vorstandschef Oliver Blume in de vergangen Woche gemacht en damit für Proteste in der Belegschaft gesorgt.

Since 1994, there has been a job guarantee at Europe’s largest car manufacturer that came out years ago. Operating conditions for employees are turning in treacherous directions. A certain Schritt led Julia Retzlaff, labor policy speaker of the SPD faction in Lower Saxony, to withdraw. When the VW crisis came down on the backs of the civilized, the group would develop a new plan, one of the opposed Tal of overcome, said he was in an interview with the “previous”.

Was the state government of Lower Saxony one of the critics at Volkswagen that started?
Economic Minister Olaf Lies has been given German power, while the country’s government and the Side of the Skilled Steht, that the savings would not be carried out on their backs, would continue and the VW would become a clear strategy for the future. Closing positions and freeing up staff cannot be an option. It is clear that this is not the case.

The Landesregierung can cause many problems, one of the ways in which the automotive industry and the road to e-mobility in Lower Saxony are heading towards the road. While the electrical energy, the power and the charging infrastructure for e-cars are continued, these are consistently strengthened.

The warranty guarantee at VW is no longer guaranteed. Who else can find vacancies?

The VW-Management’s bislang has given savers a pitiful soul to the Labor costs ab. The making of the demands is that there are no work and tariff agreements made about three large numbers, the VW hat is a new generation that is there. The crisis alone on the backs of the civilized to confront is probably an Unding.

Vorstand, Unternehmensleitung, Gewerkschaft und Betriebsrat müssen zügig in good en vertrauensvolle Gespräche einsteigen. It is a tragic strategy to purchase a Volkswagen wagon. Betriebsbedingte Kündigungen müssen vermiden and cost savings on a personal basis – so who bisher auch – sozialverträglich aufgefangen became, and about the alternative time.

IG Metal chief Christiane Benner has brought the Rückkehr zur Vier-Dage-Woche ins Spiel, a job at VW for his security. What’s an option?

Aus meiner Sicht is a sinful option. For 30 years we have been able to sustain the success of the natural disasters in large quantities. Damals have spent the four-day week. Zwischen Konzernführung und Belegschaft gegen große Quantitation, de Konzern gemeinsam uit de Krise zu führen.