
Vitamin C: Diese Wirkung hat Ascorbinsäure

Vitamin C: Diese Wirkung hat Ascorbinsäure

Vitamin C, like ascorbic acid, provides the water-soluble vitamins and is used for an edible process. It cannot be that the manufacturer of the product will remove a product that is removed after heating.

Here you can read what information there is about vitamin C.

What is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin and cannot be supplemented in the kitchen. Uberschüsse was born over the urine. You can also orient yourself in a healthy way: An overdose can führen the German Gesellschaft für Ernährung (DGE) to Magen-Darm-Beschwerden, additionally by the Verbraucherzentrale diskutiert, with great mixing and Vitamin C am Tag (up to 4 mg) in Kidneys – and Blasensteinen führen können.

Chemical trade is with vitamin C and ascorbic acid. It works in the antioxidants and can bind free radicals and thus cause oxidative stress. Vitamin C is very popular, we will have a cleaner diet, one of the vitamins that is administered.

Vitamin C can be reduced by stress. “Zur Hormone Adrenaline production is beneficial to Vitamin C,” says Manon Struck-Pacyna from Lebensmittelverband Deutschland. Schon een Viertelstunde Stress can become more serious. Der Tagesbedarf ist bei fell Alltagsstress also deutlich höher.

This Wirkung hat Vitamin C in the package

Laut der Gesellschaft für angewandte Vitaminforschung braucht der Körper Vitamin C zur Zeugung von Kollagen. The structural protein is brewed in the kitchens of Haut, Muskeln, Knochen and Blutgefäße. Vitamin C works on normal functioning of the nervous system, promoting the bone-tight functioning and image of neurotransmitters. The European Body for Health and Safety (EFSA) has a sogenanntes “Register of Health Claims”, in the health-related assessments of substances on which the basis is zugelassen or abgelehnt be. Here is the overview of Zugelassenen Aussagen:

  • Vitamin C reduces the functioning of the normal functioning of the immune system and is more intensively promoted by its action
  • Vitamin C works in a normal way Collagen training for a normal function of blood, bones, knuckles, bone, bone marrow, thigh and joints in
  • Vitamin C is normally required for normal energy metabolism
  • Vitamin C has a normal function on the nervous system in
  • Vitamin C has a powerful effect on normal functioning
  • Vitamin C has a normal function on the immune system
  • Vitamin C does not work against oxidative stress
  • Vitamin C helps with digestion Tolerance and protection bee
  • Vitamin C promotes regeneration of the reduced form Vitamin E bee
  • Vitamin C increases the Ice collection

Do you have a vitamin C shortage in Germany?

The praise of the German Society for Nutrition is “the encouragement (…) in Germany of all older groups is passed or enriched”. The experts of the DGE are from the dates of the National Insurance Study II, from 2005 to 2007 during the war. Make sure you use less vitamin C at 100 mg per day. A Vitamin C deficiency product is also not available in Germany. The National Insurance Study III is now being carried out. The plan has been in place since 2025, only then will work with vitamin C provision take place.

An article on mangels can be used for healthy vitamins and other travel symptoms, hair loss and poor health.

Tagesbedarf: So Vitamin C fell on the Körper

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung gibt Referenzwerte zum Tagesbedarf and Vitamin C an. The height is slightly different. Here is the Überblick:

  • 0 to under 4 years: 20 mg/day
  • 4 to 7 years: 30 mg/day
  • 7 to under 10 years: 45 mg/day
  • 10 to under 13 years: 65 mg/day
  • 13 to under 15 years: 85 mg/day
  • from 15 years, male: 105 mg/tag
  • from 15 years, weiblich: 95 mg/tag
  • Schwangere van de 4. Monat: 105 mg/tag
  • Still: 125 mg/Tag

Since Raucher has praised the Tagesbedarf of the DGE, the material self-desires is higher. Manner sollten deshalb 135 Milligram Vitamin C am Tag zu sich nehmen en Frauen 155 Milligram.

This food has lost vitamin C

The vitamin C supplements in food are not of the kind that the DGE takes up in the action of the medicine and the storage. If the vitamin C becomes larger, the vitamin C becomes more popular and can be cooked faster. Beim Dämpfen can contain more vitamin. Here a surplus of 100 grams:

  • Black Johannisbeere: 209.3 mg
  • Parsley: 182 mg
  • Bell pepper, rotten: 149.3mg
  • Rose cabbage: 145.2 mg
  • lump coal: 108.5mg
  • Kiwi: 75.3
  • Strawberry: 55.8mg
  • Zitrone: 54.7 mg
  • Orange: 50.9 mg
  • Spinach: 40mg
  • Mango: 37.3mg
  • Tomatoes: 25.5mg

The vitamin angaben strains of the Schweizer Nährwertdatenbank.