
In this New Yorker Restaurant nonnas ihre is aimed

In this New Yorker Restaurant nonnas ihre is aimed

Nonna Maria from Naples performs her great powers Gnocchi.

Nonna Maria from Naples performs her great powers Gnocchi.

Thanks to Enoteca Maria

In the “Enoteca Maria” on Staten Island it is no longer the case that the herd is stehen, under Grossmütter from all over the world. Die Gerichte sollen Geschichten von Heimat und Tradition erzählen.

It is places that connect – not only people, but also cultures and generations. The «Enoteca Maria» on Staten Island, New York, is such a place. In that restaurant he did not buy a single person with his personal handwriting, but one of the most attractive collections – besthend by old women, raised in non-interested states, who brought their traditions and experiences to the counter. If you have the right knowledge, you will know your child and experience the cleaning and some gleichermassen.

For the guest, a small role is played where the Grossmütter tribes. “Die Leute reason to live in my mother and grossmütter and buy it,” says the Gründer and Besitzer Jody “Joe” Scaravella gegenüber of Reisezeitschrift “Travel + Leisure”. This means that you have to be with your hands and that you can go straight to the path of your memories.

The Gründer and Besitzer of «Enoteca Maria» – Joe Scaravella.

The Gründer and Besitzer of «Enoteca Maria» – Joe Scaravella.

Thanks to Enoteca Maria

Uncanny as tourists do not die with the Staten-Island-Fähre auf sich, um in der «Enoteca Maria» zu speisen. The device can come out of the Wunsch-heraus, there can be problems with the weld. If the Italian Mutter and the Italian Grossmutter such a Scaravella are on a road, the Magie will use a homely Italian kitchen to cook. So since 2007 Lokal in the city of St. George is busy with the blessing of Mutter Maria. Damals originate nor all cooks from the Italian region.

Scaravella can get an idea after a few years that things are not going well. Today Grossmütter – Nonnas, as men say in Italy – from Peru, Japan, Usbekistan, Mazedonia and many other countries come into the kitchen of the «Enoteca Maria». In total, we have bought about a hundred different women for the restaurant. The result is a menu, which is one of the best ways to advise the herd. A tag is a Venezuelan Arepas, which is an Egyptian Koshari, everything is possible on Instagram documentation.

The Stolz a non-gold plated is not underestimated. The Köchin des Tages allein entscheidet, was af den Teller kommt. Nonna Adelina zum Beispiel soll darauf besthen, ihre eigene Pasta zu machen, even, who is long dauert. De Spezialität der über 80-jährigen Italienerin: Tagliatelle alla Mantovana.

«Wir haben marked, dass es besser ist, Nonnas aus verschiedenen Kulturen zammenzubringen», published Scaravella 2017 of the «New York Times». «So teach your fellow human beings to act in harmony. Jede brings his own Geheimnisse and Traditions.» The little restaurant is so credible that the man has no intention of making reservations outside the house.

If the “Enoteca Maria” is no longer in the direction of the orientation, it is so that she is in the mind, while the counter is operated. So go to the website of the restaurants, if the kitchen of Mariella from Venezuela in his first Arepas meets with his Grossmutter in Caracas gemacht-hat. One of the Gründer Joe Scaravella reported about the market with the Nonna Domenica in Neapel, Davon, who has his first probierte and his wider ausspuckte, if he no longer has high expectations.

In Zeiten von Fast Food, Instant-Nudeln or todschicken Edelrestaurants wecken Gerichte à la Nonna noch more Sehnsüchte. Wer do not think that the Zeiten zurück, as man nor small war, um with baumelnden Beinen am Tisch der Oma zu sitzen, wo jeder Bissen nach Geborgenheit schmeckte? Vielleicht is die wie Geheimzutat beim Kochen tatsächlich Liebe – or Gefühl’s most beloved, zu Hause zu sein.