
The Night of the German Ikone is wanking – the end of the commercial banking history

The Night of the German Ikone is wanking – the end of the commercial banking history

In February 1870, Kaufleute and Privatbankiers founded the „Commerz- und Disconto-Bank in Hamburg“. In September 2024, the Chapter of the financial institution became one of the institutions of the German bank. It could be that you are the next German Ikone. So how Miele, the story in Poland began.

So who Volkswagen is, if all goes well, there is a whole lot of work going on here. So whoever wants to purchase ThyssenKrupp, will be able to purchase it themselves. The Commerzbank Jedenfalls is on the direct road, a branch of the Italian Großbank Unicredit will become.

2.5 Billion Euros for the Steuerzahler

These individual cases spread over the next day: In the transition of the Bundesregierung with the fact that it began, an action package of 16.5 percent, that is a commercial bank, was stopped selling. Since it is a first time that the state has its own Bank and the Bund war in the financial crisis of the Commerzbank, we can not do otherwise than other things. The Kehrseite: Around 2.5 billion euros Miese the tax card must be issued, if the Bund now silvers its contribution.

Then it is that most people get the following message, the clear power, that there is no big action due to an earlier performance, and other other power differences. Manfred Knof, the banker who first had a heart for four years, had a number of good remediation courses over time and his Freitag nor as a top personality for the coming years at the commercial bank, but he has never had confidence. There is a fact that in 2026 “out of personal gründen” no longer for the job with the sale has been. The Finanzwelt goes over in Augen.

Could Bettina Orlopp be the new Coba Chef?

In the night to Tuesday came the explanation. All the assets, the Bund sales that, went a lonely time: the Italian Unicredit. If your involvement is expanded in a new way and marketed, in merger talks with the big German bank, which is a real wool bank. After a first time out of 90 days, the Bund can sell its next asset package – it may be that you can use the Italian sister layers. The German Selbständigkeit is then a while ago.

Auch der Name der möglichen Nachfolgerin an der Spitze wird schon herumreicht: Bettina Orlopp könnte Knof beerben. She is a financial chef of the bank, which was started by McKinsey, a woman who works with finance, and with the theme ‘Abfindung von lesserheitsaktionären’ in her doctor’s practice. There are no more offers from Frankfurter Spitzenbankerin von Mailands Gnaden.

Hypo-Vereinsbank as a warning signal

It was not that it was considered at the Münchner Hypo-Vereinsbank. In the war that took place in 2005, there was still no talk of a good thing, the image of an own bank was established. Finally, both partners had not yet with the high time investment: “Unicredit and Hypo-Vereinsbank bundle their credit and became the first true European Bank”, as man in the communication departments wrote.

If you take the Italian Unicredit long-term management, while the Handelsblatt for a certain time reads: “I have a self-esteem that the Münchener Bank has given long-term credit over the years that increasingly relate to the post office. What strategic analyses were carried out long ago”, these are the results of 2018 by Insidern. And the past years came then the raue Verwirklichkeit and Licht. The company strengthens the sincere and registered Münchner Bank only under the name “UniCredit Bank GmbH”.

A piece of German economic history is also available

Was the Commerzbank for the Italian jetzt so schmackhaft power who a good pizza, is that Mittelstandsgeschäft. The money house, which has become its own Mittelstandsbank, is gilded as the Bank and is part of the Deutschlands Wirtschaftlichen Kern – the Mittelstand – verunden ist. Will the Italian Großbank one of the Mieles, Hipps or Stihls dieses Landes, würde sie mit der Commerzbank machen a good Fang – and eben a Stückchen deutscher Wirtschaftsgeschichte auslöschen.

And that is the Ehrwürdige Bank, which is founded in Frankfurt in the Abgrenzung of the “blue” Deutschen Bank, the “Gelben”. From the beginning of the two world wars, there were three Regional Institutes, which neither the Namen Commerzbank trugen, übriggeblieben. In 1958, the “Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft” was united with Sitz in Düsseldorf. In the funfziger and sechziger years, the Commerzbank intensified das Geschäft with private knowledge and building a flächendeckendes Filialnetz auf. Recently the Entwicklung zum Internationale Konzern began. In 1970, the bisherigen Hauptverwaltungen in Frankfurt am Main was merged, in 2009 the Verschmelzung with the Dresdner Bank.

The commercial bank can no longer use the correct functionality. The Aktienkurs, der zur Fusionszeit noch deutlich über 100 Euro betragen hat, kippte in Bodenlose, the Bank flog aus dem Dax and was launched by Delivery Hero ersetzt, of the manche sagen, it is a better Pizza-Bringdienst sei. Only after you had cut the button, the Geldhaus was near Dax in the mountains. If you get an excess of the price, it becomes relative: a plus of 16 percent of the costs for a long life of an action of less than 15 euros.

Top economists using Unicredit loan

The end of the description is of course and interpreted differently. Top economists who use the loan from Unicredit. “A consolidation in the European banking market is economically meaningful”, said Moritz Schularick, chairman of the Kiel Institute for World Economics. Sounds like the statement: The merger of the two major banks is a “sign for the reorganization of the European banking market. The European Credit Institute must not become more legally enforceable.” The statement does not date from the last day, since 2010, by the EU Internal Market Commissioner Charlie McCreevy. So it is being responded to, when the financing of Unicredit comes to an end and the rapid replacement of the Hypo-Vereinsbank.

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