
Olympiasieger Daniel-André Tande hört weigh Horror-Sturz auf

Olympiasieger Daniel-André Tande hört weigh Horror-Sturz auf

The trauma is too great!

Olympiasieger Daniel-André Tande hört roads Horror-Sturz auf

Daniel-André Tande hat a schweren Sturz on the Skiflugschanze überlebt.

Daniel-André Tande erklärt seinen Rücktritt.

Die Angst schlägt die Freude!

Schluss. Aus. Vorbei. With 30 years ago Skisprung-Olympiasieger Daniel-André Tande seine Karriere. If the Grund für seine Entscheidung führt is a Horror-Sturz that lasts more than three years, it is not the case that this is a holistic hat.

Daniel-André Tande spürt beim Ski Jumping Mittlerweile “more Fear as Freud”

Am 25. March 2021 stürzte Daniel-André Tande in Planica (Slowenia) schwer. Damals must be defeated mechanically, while the roads are done in a snap. The fortification of the Karriere war is vulnerable, but there is talk of Schritt for Schritt zurück. And who. Fun monate after the next day Sturz’s flight is fine during the air.

Reading tip: Erinnerungslücke, Glück und Koma: Daniel-André Tande spicht über seinen Horrorsturz

But all of that is not the case. The Norwegians can no longer watch a horror film, but can spend more hours mentally, neither under the following events. “I have never enjoyed with the Nachwirkungen meines Sturzes 2021 in Planica zu kampfen,” said Tande in an emotional video botschaft on Instagram, in der sein Karriereende verkündet. If Grund für seinen Schritt gibt er seinen Sturz an. Das Trauma is a big step. “I have recognized sparrows, that is that Jumping at mirtlerweile more Fear as Freude auslöst. And if I think more, this is a sole Punkt Zeit, auf Wiedersehen zu sagen.”

Daniel-André Tande.jpg

Daniel-André Tande stürzte 2021 in Planica Schwer.


Ski jumper Tandet im Alter von 30 jaar seine Karriere

After 285 World Cup starts, Olympia-Gold in Pyeongchang 2018 and winning WM titles after 30 years of racing. And that is now the work of Monate voor der Heim-WM in Trondheim. Once I found the separation, but was free from everything, the “new chapter” was for my preparation – without fear as a standard companion. (pol/dpa)