
Seit 1893 in Betrieb: Austria’s steepest Zahnradbahn

Seit 1893 in Betrieb: Austria’s steepest Zahnradbahn

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Seit 1893 in Betrieb: Austria’s steepest Zahnradbahn
Die Strecke der Schafberg führt through manly mountain panorama. © Christian Bruna/dpa

Die Schafbergbahn, Austria’s steepest Zahnradbahn, has been in Betrieb since 1893. Erfahren Sie more over the Route, the sie nimmt, the spezieellen Fahrten, the angeboten were and were Besucher dort erleben können.

It’s been more than 130 years and an exchange of letters while traveling to a mountain sight: the Schafbergbahn, the steep Zahnradbahn Österreichs. Stolze 1,240 Meter Höhenunterschied puts the Bahn on ihrer round 35-minute distance between the Talstation Schafbergbahnhof in St. Wolfgang am Wolfgangsee (542 Meters over Adria) and the Bergstation auf dem Schafberg (1,782 Meters over Adria) zurück, the steepest Neigungswinkel auf der Fahrt concerns 26 Prozent.

Welche Strecke die Schafbergbahn fährt

The combined Strecke der Schafbergbahn is 5.85 kilometers long and connects both Bundesländer countries. So lies the Talstation der Bahn in Upper Austria, but after 500 meters of speed over the Landesgrenze after Salzburg, it is a great city. Auf der Fahrt zwischen Tal- und Bergstation gibt es einen Stopp at 1,364 Metern Höhe, approx. 30 minutes Fahrzeit and 4.2 kilometers Strecke von der Talstation aus enfernt.


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Fahrgäste können op de Schafbergalm aussteigen, de gleichzeitig de Baumgrenze des Berges-bildet. Enjoy a panoramic view of the valley and the Wolfgangsee. The last Meter zum Gipfel can be traveled between the Fuß or alternatively with the Schafbergbahn. Here you have made a journey without a beautiful panoramic view.

A Zahnradbahn der Schafbergbahn on the Gipfel, in the background of Hotel Schafbergspitze
The mountain station of the Schafbergbahn is located near the Hotels Schafbergspitze. © Sonja Jordan/imageBROKER/imago

Was able to experience tourists in and on the Schafbergbahn

Auf dem Gipfel is neben the Aussichtspuntten and Wanderwegen nor two other hiking trails for tourists. Zum a man can have an overnight stay in the Hotel Schafbergspitze. Während der Saison (2024: April 1 to October 8) can be a man in Zimmer mieten, sofern das Wetter gut ist and die Schafbergbahn fährt. Since the hotel is a restaurant business, there are large tents with the hotel business, but it is completely identical (2024: 1. May to 22. October). Zum others can take a trip to the Schutzhaus of Himmelspforte speisen. Dort gibt is Hausmannskost zur Stärkung. Gerade Wanderer, the Strecke zur Spitze comes to Schuster’s Rappen hinter sich, dürften darüber freuen. The Öffnungszeiten have focused on all matters after the Schafbergbahn, which have never done more than a seasonal hat. 2024 Läuft de Hauptsaison der Schafbergbahn from April 27 to November 3, including a Frühlingsfahrplan (sporadic holidays from March 2) and an Adventfahrplan (Fahrten between Mittwoch and Sonntag from November 22 to December 22).

An oil-painted moisture flake motif from the Schafbergbahn fährt die Gleise zur Spitze des Schafbergs hinauf
Bei Nostalgiahrten kommen auf der Schafbergbahn, der alstenen Zahnradbahn Österreichs, nor historical Dampflokomotiven zum Einsatz. © Christian Bruna/dpa

If you select the Bahnfahrt yourself, this can become an event. Here the Schafbergbahn can shift, which changes in the dates can be made on the calendar of the Bahn nachschauen:

  • Nostalgia trips: The original is a different moisture-vapor effect on the Strecke for more than 130 years. After a mountain and road load without 500 kilos of steinkohle and 3,000 liters of water, without having to worry about four additional days of travel, this is an event, which is the first time the season has been completed (2024: eight terms).
  • Full-throated tours: Here a man becomes a Vollmond man on the Schafberg, a sundowner and the ascent of the Vollmond spirit of the können. In the war of season 2024, an end was made to the end of the war, but it was not necessary to do this.
  • Schafberg run: Mensch gegen Maschine – so kan die jährlichen Wettlauf swiss Sportlern und der Schafbergbahn beschreiben. Since 1983, extreme sports enthusiasts were given a Dampflok antireten. Bisher hated the machine reports of the Nase vorn: 2024 was a new record of 49:19 minutes up, was never a Viertelstunde more as the Fahrzeit der Schafbergbahn ist.

When the Schafbergbahn was built

The Schafberg is its only attraction, which became a tourist attraction in the 19th century. If you start wandering around the gut-involvement of the Austrian society, it is no longer the case that the Spitze is just a kind of ‘Sesselträgern’ from St. Wolfgang to the top. Who the website Great Treasure Reported, trade is itself “a robbery with festive rates, fixed locations and strengthening of the rules for the security of the tardy persons”. Between 1862 and 1864 the Hotel Schafbergspitze, the first mountain hotel in the country, won.

Because the tourist activity of the Ortes is so, we are given the 1870ern Plane for a Zahnradbahn zum Gipfel gab. A first, temporary concession would never be realized, because of the construction of the Zahnradbahn was only in two years time in 20 years time dependent. On August 1, 1893, the Schafbergbahn was opened by the Salzkammergut-Lokalbahn-Gesellschaft (SKGLB).

The Schutzhütte Himmelspforte on the Schafbergspitze, with a view on a See in the valley
One of the Schutzhütte Himmelspforte auf der Schafbergspitze hat man oneine malerische Aussicht. © AustrianImages/imago

Where the Schafbergbahn is used

Im Laufe ihres Bestehens gab es morere Eigentümerwechselsel der Schafbergbahn. 1932 was the first time that the Austrian Transport Office was sold after the “Anschluss” of the Austrian Empire in Germany by the Nazis, which was owned by the German Reichsbahn. After the Zweiten Weltkrieg went the Schafbergbahn and the ÖBB (Österreichische Bundesbahnen). With the start of the Betriebssaison 2006, the Salzkammergutbahn GmbH (SKGB) was founded as Tochtergesellschaft der Salzburg AG for Energy, Verkehr and Telekommunikation of the Schafbergbahn. The Society also concerns the Wolfgangseeschifffahrt.

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If the Talstation der Schafbergbahn am Wolfgangsee will appear in the course of time, an EU weite Ausschreibung for the Neugestaltung des Bahnhofs will take place in 2019. Mittlerweile supports the modern construction, the large tents of Holz and Stahl bestht and neben the Bahnanlagen auch Ladenflächen, a Ausstellungs- and Veranstaltungsbereich, a Restaurant and Administrative Offices were opened on April 19, 2023.

Who reduces the Schafbergbahn emissions

Over the years there has been a variety of rides, the Schafbergbahn zum Gipfel zogen and the heute teilweise nor at the Nostalgiefahrten zum Einsatz kommen. When you start trading, there is a moist flokomotive, or other moist flokomotives. These were made from diesel-powered trucks and diesel-electric locomotives. From the summer of 2023 there is a problem with the Salzburg Tourismus AG with the Schafbergbahn and the Wolfgangseeschifffahrt with the Biokraftstoff HVO (Hydotreated Vegetable Oils). The Treibstoff from the Pflanzenolie does not entail any financial situation, the emissions are regulated by Diesel which is brought to 90 percent by the Salzburg Tourismus AG. Mario Mischelin, Geschäftsführer der Salzburg Tourismus AG, sincerely informed Tips.bythat “the new diesel would make motorization unsafe and diesel would be biologically obsolete” he said.

Die Talstation der Schafbergbahn in St. Wolfgang bei der Neueröffnung on April 22, 2023.
The Talstation der Schafbergbahn in St. Wolfgang was newly opened in 2023. © Daniel Scharinger/imago

In Österreich it is likely that the big cities in Vienna and Innsbruck or the smaller countries in the country of Österreich have been traveled. Gerade das Bundesland Salzburg fell for Urlauber, von de Attraktionen der Hauptstadt über Wanderziele die Maurachalm bis are zur mit Auto befahrbaren Großglockner High Alpine Road, the Österreichs high Aussichtspunkt bietet. The Wolfgangsee im Tal in Oberösterreich is known for the beautiful Seen Österreichs. (no)