
EQS-News: PharmaSGP bleibt im ersten Halbjahr 2024 op dynamicen Wachstumskurs | 12.09.24

EQS-News: PharmaSGP bleibt im ersten Halbjahr 2024 op dynamicen Wachstumskurs | 12.09.24

EQS News: PharmaSGP Holding SE / Schlagwort(e): Halbjahresergebnis/Vorläufiges Ergebnis

PharmaSGP sees the Halbjahr 2024 on a dynamic Wachstumskurs

12.09.2024 / 08:15 Central European Time/Central European Time
Inhaling the Mitteilung is the Issuer / Herausgeber responsible.

PharmaSGP bleibt im ersten Halbjahr 2024 on dynamic Wachstumskurs

Gräfelfing, September 12, 2024 – The German OTC Pharmaunternehmen PharmaSGP Holding SE has a dynamic Wachstumskurs fortage in 2024 and based on an advanced, unprepared Zahlen a Halbjahresumsatz of 58.4 Mio. EUR is sad. Damit konnte der Umsatz gegenüber dem Vorjahr um 17.4% were raised (Vorjahr: 49.7 Mio. EUR). The company became very strong for Zinsen, Steuern and Abschreibungen (reinigtes EBITDA) and remained in the Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum of 15.3 Mio in Halfyear 2024. EUR up to 16.9 million. €. The realized profit EBITDA margin lagged behind at 28.9% (Vorjahr: 30.9%).

CEO Natalie Weigand commented: “Go to one of the first results in half year 2024 with a record setting in the background. Erneut can with the strong offer business models with the combination of our scalable platform and our multi-channel marketing activities to make profit. One of the next news is that Wachstumskurses waged war against the robbery of Peter Gerckens in the Vorstand of PharmaSGP, where he worked as Chief Commercial Officer on the international market on July 1, 2024, the sale of new companies is responsible. “

CFO Michael Rudolf adds: “We are on the way to achieve our stock market for the entire year 2024. Another brand of PharmaSGP is on the international market of our companies. Before this background plays out in the world of the stock market in Italy, the Umsatz will go on sale in the half of 2024. The light of the effective operation of the strategy and the increase of the potential for PharmaSGP in the DACH region. “

For the laureate business year 2024 there is a value of 107.0 Mio. EUR and 112.0 Mio. €. The realized EBITDA would amount to a turnover of 35.0 Mio. EUR to 38.0 Mio. EUR exited. The target is a realized EBITDA margin of 32.7% to 33.9%.

The full Half Year Report 2024 was published on PharmaSGP on September 26, 2024.


Concerts (in million EUR) First half of 2024 First half of 2023
Reversed 58.4 49.7 +17.4%
EBITDA calculated 16.9 15.3 +10.2%
EBITDA raw 16.8 15.4 +9.2%
EBITDA margin calculated 28.9% 30.9%
EBITDA margin not controlled 28.9% 31.0%
Reversed by region (in million EUR) First half of 2024 First half of 2023
Germany 39.6 37.2 +6.6%
Italian 11,1 5.7 +95.5%
Austria 6.1 4.8 +25.2%
Sontiges europäisches Ausland 1.6 2.0 -21.3%
Size by region First half of 2024 First half of 2023
Germany 68% 75%
Italian 19% 11%
Austria 10% 10%
Sontiges europäisches Ausland 3% 4%
Includes product categories (in million EUR) First half of 2024 First half of 2023
Health brands 56.2 47.6 +17.9%
Beauty brands 2,1 2,1 +3.3%


comet AG
Claudius Krause
Phone: +49-611-20585528
Email address: [email protected]


PharmaSGP is a consumer health care company with a diversified portfolio that includes over-the-counter “OTC” and other health products that are sold through pharmacy sales. The company’s medicine is based largely on natural pharmaceutical ingredients with documentation and few known side effects.

The core markers of the internal systems are chronic indications, which rheumatic Schmerzen and Nerve Schmerzen use to other alternative condition Leiden. In Germany, PharmaSGP is with the Markenfamilie RubaXX® in rheumatic Schmerzen and Restaxil® in neuralgic pains (also: nerve pains) Market leader for systemic, chemical-free painkillers. Darüber is one of the most important pharmaceutical products of PharmaSGP, which sexual pain and painkillers are affected. See the first products from the active product portfolio in 2012, which PharmaSGP established in the business model in other European countries, in Austria, Italy, Belgium, Spain and France. In September 2021, my product portfolio started on the Marken Baldriparan®Formigran®Torn® and Kamol® erweitert en damit die Indicationsbereiche Schmerzen und Schlafstörungen weiter ausgebaut bzw. erschlossen. The Vertriebsgebiet would be a Switzerland-Eastern Europe-weiert. PharmaSGP is worth an amount of 101.1 million in the year 2023. EUR at a clean EBITDA margin of 33.7%.

Another legislative position is that Plant PharmaSGP, the indication of the indication, will be removed during the production period, that more European companies will be sold and that a strategy will be followed to promote the useless mergers and acquisitions.

12.09.2024 CET/CEST Release of a Corporate News/Finanznachricht, übermittelt durch EQS News – a service of EQS Group AG.
Inhaling the Mitteilung is the Issuer / Herausgeber responsible.

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