
Obst und Kräuter – Superfood der Steinzeit

Obst und Kräuter – Superfood der Steinzeit

Schon in der Steinzeit ergänzten Nüsse, Beeren and Co. Not a problem with the Speiseplan, but none of them were life-threatening waste for everyone. Bettina Reicke was born on Sunday, September 15, from 13 to 17 hours in the Federseemuseum, suitable for the annual frost period, which were gathered together during the year.

Brennnesseln, Beeren, Nusse and Wildapfel are chia together or spirulina – although in the stone age people can turn to homely “superfood”, which provides energy, vitamins and trace elements for those who suffer from illness or can grow lindern. The removal of the botanical remains of the ancient Federsee represents the archaeology that the collective plants of the Jungsteinzeit represent. If you are in Germany, if you suffer the damage to nature and keep your own plants so safe, then that will also be a spearhead plan in the winter. (zz)