
Verzweifelte Suche nach Personal: Münchner Wirtin kurz vor Wiesn in Sorge

Verzweifelte Suche nach Personal: Münchner Wirtin kurz vor Wiesn in Sorge

Sylvia Wolf was a local kurz for the Wiesn-Start. Wegen Personalmangel drohen finanzielle Einbußen.

The Wirtin der Antonius-Tenne in Munich, Sylvia Wolf, kämpft kurz for the Start des Oktoberfests 2024 met akuter Personalnot. Früher has had his “sechs, sieben opdienungen”, declared Wolf gegenüber “TZ”.

When the Corona pandemic occurs, it has become more difficult to find in person.

Wirtin fears Wiesn-Start and his future

Once it gets to that point, the situation is no longer so good. “TZ” reports that your guest gets a Help-woman, and that Zettel hangs up in the Nachbarschaft. “If you look at the financial matters, you can rebuild your business,” says Wolf.

Laut “TZ” sees the Antonius-Tenne impressed by the After-Wiesn-Partys “gebrochen vol” gewesen. There are plenty of Wolf two of three fitter operations for a break. “Die Wiesn is always a big Gaudi with us”, concrete is “TZ”.

Restaurant muss aufgrund von Personalmangel schließen

Sylvia Wolf is working on my problem. The renowned local “Strand No. 1” in St. Peter-Ording has been closed for a number of years, which is a personal wrangling. Der Betreiber Ivor Maric gab an, dass swieriger wurde, gegenügend Mitarbeiter zu finden.

There have been 15 forces, but you will never have a party and a zwei Saisonkräfte verfügbar. Maric vermutet, the young people of a study or the citizen money are found attractive as Gastro-Jobs, reports “T-Online”.

The personal shortcoming in the gastronomy industry is in Schleswig-Holstein German spur bar, which the German Hotel and Gaststättenverband (Dehoga) has as its center. Despite the many beaches, rich restaurants must close their doors in the summer or their time reduction. The Federal Agency for Labor Report counts 33,160 attacks in the Gastgewerbe, where the Dehoga is used from a double-decker.