
Schacholympiad 2024: Holt Deutschland eine Medaille?

Schacholympiad 2024: Holt Deutschland eine Medaille?

My Mitwoch is the most important business competition in the Chess Startet. The Chess Olympics 2024 runs from 11. to 22. September in Budapest. This is the 45th. Result of all two-year statistics of Turniers. It is one of the other Magnus Carlsen and the best German Vincent Keymer.

Vincent Keymer is one of the best German players with an Elo-Zahl of 2730.

Vincent Keymer is one of the best German players with an Elo-Zahl of 2730.

All possible choices are that an olympic disziplin is separated from a machine. Deshalb veranstaltet der Weltschachverband (FIDE) since 1926 the Schacholympiad. A diesem Turnier nehmen 2024 im Open (Manner) 197 Nationen part, at de Frauen since 183 Mannschaften dabei.

The German men of Vincent Keymer were for the Turnier on the Platz. If the game is played in the Mitwoch with 3.5:0.5 against Madagaskar – Keymer (2730 Elo points, 20. of the World Transcript) it is still not included in the Turnier, although pro Partie always a player out. The Schacholympiad was held in eleven rounds and jewels four rounds in the Swiss System. The Swiss System ensures that the big men reach another level. No teams separate and nobody plays two-way.

Deutschland country 2022 at Platz 18

The German woman on Elisabeth Pähtz, the only German woman with a major title, plays in Andorra with 4:0. Pähtz also retired in the first round.

While the 2022 Chess Olympics Edition lands in India, the German man dies on an overwhelming 18th place, we will lose the bronze medal in the last round against India. The women then reach 10th place. After the Silver Medal during the 2023 European Championships, the German men’s team, the Grand Champion Jan Gustafsson, is training during the Medal Competition at the Olympiad.

Norway proud Carlsen kein Favorit

The favorites on the Turniersieg are other: A Platz eins setzt was for the Turnier the American-American, obwohl der Weltranglistenzweite Hikaru Nakamura (2802) gar nicht mitspielt. Das Team is equipped with Spielern with 2700 Elo-Punkten set. A Brett told Fabiano Caruana, with 2798 Punks on the world rankings.

The others are favorites if they are a WM-Herausforderer Dommaraju Gukesh (2764), the Chinese a World Champion Ding Liren (2736), currently no longer in form, and the title production from Usbekistan in the Nodirbek Abdusattorov, with 2766 points the U-20 ranking list is joined. The Norwegian team is a superstar Magnus Carlsen (2832) gilded as an outsider, we have the world rankings only two players with 2600 points in team are left.

On Thursday, the second run of the Chess Olympics is on the program: the German men will face the Philippine Auswahl, the women will compete against Belgium.