
Ausbruch in de Natur: Else kandigt seinen Job en sieht in den Wald

Ausbruch in de Natur: Else kandigt seinen Job en sieht in den Wald

Anders Boisen lives in a tiny house in a danish forest. There is something special about your life message.

Anders Boisen (36) has a normal normal life in the Vergangenheit. I study, have a nine-to-five job and a job in the German city of Aarhus. The message “Business Insider”. Now everything is different: Today’s 36-year-old lives in a tiny house in the forest.

Denmark: Anders found Job and saw in a Tiny House in the forest

As “Business Insider” deals with the fact that Mann lives a little in nature. There is a Tiny House and a great job in 2020. Mittlerweile can the fertile immobility on a Grundstück, this is a crazy hat. These are at the end of an undeveloped street.

His new life has so many advantages. Boisen said “Business Insider” said to other people: “I can separate myself, I would like to live in my life, my leading company was, but I could not make money, a house in the hall that I would stop.” There is another money earned with buying the Bauen der kleinen Häuser and macht Youtube-Videos.

Energy from solar collectors and collected rainwater

The installation, there is no party, but for the 36-year-olds with the title “Business Insider” more things have happened. “I still have no fear, my money and only that to buy, was ich blij brauche”, there would be more. If you have done something, it is a self-conscious choice, reduziert. There is a cash prize of 750 dollars available.

In the Tiny House it is one of the most important things we can do with a simple supply network. There is now talk of Beispiel Solarenergie and the same Regenwasser.

Tiny Houses originated in the US

Tiny-Houses are located on “”, Vermittler privater Baufinanzierungen in Deutschland, in Ursprung in the USA. “Großen Zulauf is de Tiny-House-Bewegung na de Finanzkrise 2007/2008, als vake Hauseigentümer in de USA weigh de debt van Eigenheim lost en de Umzug in een Tiny House practically de only financial Alternative Darstellte”, he continues.

Mittlerweile can frost in Germany for a while, while the Wohnraum lasts so long. There is an interhyp message said that represents the ergebnisse for the German Population since 18 years. From the round 2100 Teilnehmern können sich demnach 23 Prozent vellen, in a Tiny-House to live.

Tiny-Houses with Größe zwischen 16 and 30 Quadratmetern

It really is true that Tiny-House has become part of the German faith. Im Frühjahr 2019 sprachen sich “” op 13 Prozent für das Wohnen in de Minihäusern aus.

Who writes “Statista”, since Tiny-Houses in Germany normally range between 16 and 30 square meters. “Je nach Definition und Anzahl der Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner können alledings sogar Häuser met bis zu 100 Quadratmetern Wohnfläche als Tiny House gelten.”