
Happy End after 5 years for Pitbull “Mingo”

Happy End after 5 years for Pitbull “Mingo”

In the Tierheim-Everyday takes place during Schicksale ab. A manchmal gibt is a reheated attack – so who dies of “Mingo”.

For years with Pitbull “Mingo” in Tierheim Arche Noah in Brinkum near Bremen and with a new Zuhause model. At that time it is so that Tierheim-Classclown has become, write the Tierschützer in an Instagram post. But a einfacher Hund is “Mingo” not.

“In the beginning of 2019, ‘Mingo’ came as a young dog to us in the animal home. From the beginning it was completely closed, but it quickly became clear that it is an ascending property of his property, he is in the Beitrag. The Pitbull had an enormous amount of energy, a high intelligence and an enormous energy, which was a real herausforderung-maché. Many training lessons, the development of spa and resocialization mats can be invested, a “Mingo” who has the best chance of a new Zuhause to become.

“But trotz all dieser Herausforderungen war ‘Mingo’ immer die Seele unseres Tierheims. There brought a zum Laughter, spentete Trost in schwierigen Zeiten and war a real Freund, zu dem man sich in Körbchen kisscheln konnte, one by one moment that the world draußen zu vergessen,” said the Tierpfleger.

In the new family of the Pitbull, Tierheim-Jahren fell an opportunity, but it is now a glücklich. Davon was able to take over the Tierschützer himself, as “Mingo” with his people in the Arche Noah war. “A great thank you to the new family who lived there, a dog who lived there in the norm and often lived with their lives – a living room was born”, it is abstract.