
Installation for everything in “Mittelbau”…

Installation for everything in “Mittelbau”…


Düsseldorf – The Zuteilung der Leistungsgruppen in Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW) is responsible for all changes in the health care structure within special areas, also in “Mittelbau” der Versorgung. This is a choice from the e-insets of the Künstlichen Knie-oder Hüftgelenken, and the treatment of Krebserkrankungen. An analysis design has been created Scientific Media Center (SMC).

In the Grundversorgungsstrebt of the Land in the West of Germany a Veränderung in the Kliniken is offered. If it is a high specialization, it is now a question of Leistungsgruppen that work in the Standorten. It is a fact Bereits hohen Konzentration zu understand.

The analysis further said that the representation of the new Leistungsgruppen has no concrete clinics. “For the sick patient bedeutet die Reform aber eine Herausforderung”, writes the SMC.

If you want one of the most common dishes in your bisheriges to get a grim or bad taste, there is a new dish you should buy. There have been studies done on the Wirtschaftlichkeit der Klinieken, so on SMC.

The care of the Leistungsgruppen became one of the patient care of the patient, was the Wettbewerb among the Kliniken which changed the duration of the treatment of SMC. The personal clinical practice was used in the direction of the clinic with many leistungsgruppen and high autumn orientations.

In North Rhine-Westphalia, the hospital planning and the Zuteilung of the Leistungsgruppen ended a while ago. The health associations, the self-administration and the Landesundheitsministerium in Düsseldorf (MAGS) have led the Leistungsgruppen in a good process.

These gilts as a Blaupause for the planned Bundesweite Krankenhausreform, the time of the diskettering. The Leistungsgruppen have been naïve by personal and technical Ausstattung vor. Now that we have found a single Leistungsgruppe, it may be that the entsprechende Leistung is carried out. Soul is a care, with an efficient patient care.

The previous separation of the ministers of North Rhine-Westphalia in the area of ​​the leistungsgruppen and the generic konkreter Fallzahlen was in June last. Be sure that Krankenhäuser und Krankenkassen und entsprechende Verteilung der Leistungsgruppen und Zugehörigen Fallzahlen-verhandelt. Derzeit können de Krankenhäuser in NRW op de full Zuteilung Stellung nehmen. When the end of the years is reached, the lifespan comes to an end.

Kaum Einschränkung der Grundversorgung

The separation of the generic data of the performance groups ensures that everything is assessed correctly on the performance groups. The consequences would be more in the fall, and we will have another house in the region that is protected and most hospitals that have expanded health care. End: Etwa jede zehnte Klinik – of the total 553 Klinik locations in NRW – bekommt dem SMC continue halving the Leistungsgruppen that are not favored.

Since the Grundversorgung is not strongly adapted, it is the Verteilung of the Leistungsgruppen of the Allgemeine Innerlijke Medizin or of the Allgemeine Chirurgie. Of 306 clinics, which in NRW the Allgemeine Innere Medizin wollen, were completely eleven not in the full Zuteilung des Landes berücksichtigt, says the Analysis tool vom SMC.

In all surgical interventions, the clinic was only put in the planning 285 years ago with the preparation of it. If the problem occurs, it is good. Of the 133 hospitals, which have the most common complaints, it is not possible to share the care.

Verlierer is one of the St. Josefs-Krankenhaus Hilden or the Asklepios Krankenhaus Sankt Augustin, all three of which can no longer be messed with in terms of basic care. No general internal and surgical specialization is available in the St. Johannes Hospital in Hagen, the Krankenhaus Rahden or the St. Marien Krankenhaus in Ratingen.

It is clear that the general internal and surgical interventions in the urban areas and the ballungs area have fallen away as much as possible. Especially in a Cologne case, no way or the fall of the Kliniken-clinic can be, which can be considered an advantage. It is often the case that criticism is expressed, the ballungsgebiet in NRW has a high überversorgt and landscape regions that see another orgt.

Wenig Konzentration von paediatric Bereichen

Stations form a simple arrangement that tells relatively little, here the Land NRW sees no concentration for it. In all children and youth medicine have fallen in the 71 clinics, the Leistungsgruppen are now gone. It is all possible to plant children and youth surgery. Here vermutlich only two locations of the addressed 71 clinics were not taken.

In the specializing execution and investigation of the choice of the inputs you see the nice Krankenhaus-planning differently. Concentrating will be the country for everyone in the Bereichen Endoprothetik Hüfte and Knie.

About 235 clinics are available for the care required for the treatment of half of the clinics (126 clinics) for treatment. From 212 clinics for the health of the kneecaps since they are completely free from 126 clinics. It is possible that MAGS attacks an art mindset of 100 cases for the year festivities (to a vereinzelte Ausnahmen).

It is clear that both performance groups could concentrate in the Ballungsgebiet. The University Clinic Düsseldorf has helped the endoprosthetic knee and the human body more. They have 65 beziehungsweise 80 False beans and vom Landjuweils 0 False zugeordnet-bekommen.

Tiefe Rektumeingriffe spiritentens both Wochen

The Leistungsgruppe „Tiefe Rektumeingriffe“, with high expertise, there are now 80 of 178 clinics in Zuschlag (45 Prozent). In the Gruppe, the Clinics in Bedarf were used as Operations of Valsch einschätzten, it is written that SMC.

The Düsseldorf District Government is located on the planning management of an umbrella company during the credit crisis of the insurance company of the Versorgung onlyr der Partil des forecasts that can be viewed, this is a debt in the Attachment of the Düsseldorf District Government.

For the Erbringung der Leistungsgruppe where now the powerful clinics are established, the Eingriffe in Durchschnitt geestes every two weeks or after the duration of the treatment. It is clear that the clinics will have the last Fallzahlen, the Leistungsgruppe can no longer go through time. Erst a zwanzig Fall per year were in the Krankenhausplanung berücksichtigt (see graphic).

In another respect, the guidance of special attention is focused on the treatment of the bruuskrebs. The Zugehörige Leistungsgruppe Senologie sollen 75 von 103 beantragten Kliniken in NRW erbringen dürfen. This is where the MAGS started a mindestzahl and 100 Fallzahlen pro years. This is in accordance with the regulations of the Gemeinsamen Bundeschusses (G-BA), the Kliniken in 2025 with 100 Eingriffe pro Jahr zur Behandlung von Brustkrebsoperationen erbringen müssen.

This was the way in which the thoracic surgery could be prepared. Thus, a third of the clinic locations of the 54 clinics are no longer involved in the implementation of the activities (18). The majority of the MAGS have fallen in the 75s for a year and can adapt to the G-BA Regulation for the Operation of Lung Cancer, which will take place in 2025.

Organ transplants can be performed in a simple way

The concept is the result of the experience of organ transplants. Lung transplants can no longer take place at the Universitätsklinikum Essen and the Herz- und Diabeteszentrum Nordrhein-Westfalen.

We repeat the Locations, the Uniklinik Köln and the städtische Krankenhaus Köln-Merheim are no longer suitable for this Leistung. Heart transplants were performed by the previous NRW plans, neither in the Herz- and Diabestzentrum NRW, nor in the statistics of the Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf. The Unikliniken Essen, Bonn and Cologne are no longer to be seen here.

In other cases the specialist work is a hinged concentration. Provisions for herzurgery are now a Klinikstandort of the beantragten 16 Clinics of the Versorgung Künftig Ausgeschlossen, the Uniklinik Köln. Here the country is the least mixed of 500 years of treatment.

Besides the health care and the general medical and mental health issues, most clinics are willing to provide care for care. In Augenheilkunde, a new 48 Clinics have had positive treatment and in Dermatology there is a complete zwei of 24 Krankenhäusern, which does not last a single Leistung erbringen.

In the Leistungsgruppe Kinder-Hämatologie en -Onkologie, Leukemia en Lymphome all the hospital were quickly examined for the smart care. In the resurgery for children and youth surgery there can be no question of a standard view. © cmk/