
Munich: At the Tierpark Hellabrunn see the new Tiere in – Munich

Munich: At the Tierpark Hellabrunn see the new Tiere in – Munich

This fell in Tierpark Hellabrunn. Nachwuchs, Nieuwe Tiere und der Umbau bestehender Gehege haben dem Tierpark und der Isar in de Vergangen Monaten some Neuerungen brought. If the conversion goes one step further, this could happen again. “A Tierpark is a Dauerbaustelle,” said Tierpark director Rasem Baban. “It is always the same.”

A larger project is that started in the fall of 2022 at the university of the Dschungelwelt, a large building construction with an extensive economy in the Asian park. If the opening should the visitors know something but still, the construction work is taken care of.

After a year in the summer it is so long ago. A resident can also order other zoos. If the new Tierarten are looked at a little, the Tierparkchef does not reveal anything.

Plant them for the Besucherinnen and Besucher a glimpse into the Unterwasserwelt Asia. If you want to do one of the following, you must perform the malicious removal of the low temperature. Which animals then dort zu sehen be, is not unclear. Thematically, the focus is on the new Dschungelhauses on South Africa, especially Indonesia. If you buy a park with an art conservation project, if you work with the zoo in the zoo and in Indonesia, reports Rasem Baban.

Another highlight Highlight of the children in the Maushaus. I think it has been a whole year since a new customer has had an impression. Zoo director Baban can find a “sehr besondere Maus”, which is saddened from the east. A few hints are: The Maus originates from the region and the tragedy is one of the most important names.

Freut is on a new island with Flachwasserbereich: Kuratorin Lena Bockreiß. (Photo: Stephan Rumpf)
A Tierpark is a Dauerbaustelle, which dies Holz-Gehege from 1911. (Photo: Stephan Rumpf)

Quickly clean ready for the back of the old inhabitants is the secret of the Nilgai antelopes. Current finds its still in an Ausweichquartier. The Sanierung is not so important as Huftiere the soil in the run of time hardens, explains Curator Lena Bockreiß. When you perform the cleaning of the cleaning equipment with research and cleaning, the soil is gone. Make sure that you can use the side of the feeding platforms, water pits and to the stable.

There is no new soil, but a new facility has the animals obtained. So an income with a water-reservation area created, in the antelopes fortan can. Before the visitors that is the advantage, that is the animals still can come closer. If you use a new piece of land and move another soil of grass or sand, damn that your skin becomes more natural. If the gel is a little more than the Asian kitchen, that of the Australian is deceived.

A newcomer has prepared the Mishmi Takine, bald were mumbling and yet a new Mitglied from the Tiergarten Nuremberg will come to heißen. The family of the Hornträger, the Antelope and Gazelle zählen family. It is possible that the men in the Tierpark in the vicinity of the Ausster area experience a tense situation. Good news for animals and visitors: With the new plan the Winterzäune was no longer good, the sons behind the water pits were set up.

In this summer the world of air is one of the most popular things. However, if you have difficulty, both animals should be spared at the same time, it is not just bad luck. If you connect with the animals, this is the direct solution. If the woman is not yet satisfied with the care in the young animals, it will first be his time for making art pleasure. If the problems then occur, this is not the case.