
FCN: “Wir haben more zu loseren”: Club-Trainer Klose warnt for Ulm | Sport

FCN: “Wir haben more zu loseren”: Club-Trainer Klose warnt for Ulm | Sport

“It’s a story that if they know it, they know it will happen.”

Niece now Club-Trainer Miroslav Klose (46) white, that is at Samstag (13 Uhr) at Aufsteiger SSV Ulm a more heht, as now a threesome Punkte.

The Mannschaft must have seen no reaction after the brutal enttäuschenden 0:4 no Magdeburg. If FCN urgently needs the point, one of the first during the Liga-Start with only four points, which are untouched in the Umfeld, will never be as big as the las.

However, Trainer Miroslav Klose (46) warned during the Spieler finalringlich: “It will be a tough experience, we will have to lose more. Jeder erwartet fell from one night to 0:4 to Magdeburg. Deshalb müssen wir da top vorbereitet sein.“

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Source: X @RealBetis

If you click on the Club, it will end. Ulm is the strongest swimming team in the league with two hundred and fifty-five victories and a luferische (league square 4) good score.

Attribute, with the members of the FCN you will never be able to shine. Klose: „That is a matter of schleunigständern. While most players were playing the Spieler games, the Paroli could play, the Zweikämpfe and the Laufleistung had already started.”

If you want to know everything about the Heimspielen, you can reach Fortuna Düsseldorf with a 2:1 sieg of your performance. If you play the game in the final phase, it is favorite to play, but it still can not happen.

Klose: “You can play a game and play a game, if you want to. If you are a punk, you can get better. If our war is a little different.”

Für den Club Muss in Ulm in erster Linie das Ergebnis stimmen. A completed Leistung is a matter of no damage.

+++Club Intern+++

Full chapel

Vor dem Spiel in Ulm hat Trainer Miroslav Klose (46) first in this Saison die Qual der Wahl. With Tim Handwerker (Reha nach Kreuzbandriss) stehen de Club-Trainer alle Profis zur Verfügung.

Complete guest house

The nature of the cards for the game in Ulm was so great that the FCN fans in the Donaustadion were not affected by any other guest block. Insgesamt begleiten etwa 4,500 Club-Anhänger die Mannschaft.

Full answers

Der Club hat in dieser Woche seine Mitgliederzahl op über 33,000 scaffolden können.

Completely in plan

Am Freitag steht für die Mannschaft noch das Abschlusstraining am Valznerweiher. Danach is the Nachmittag by bus to Ulm.