
Laos: Weltweit einmalig – In Nordlaos op Augenhöhe mit den Affen

Laos: Weltweit einmalig – In Nordlaos op Augenhöhe mit den Affen

Gibbon’s experience in Northern Laos is a beneficial one. Guests can experience the National Park Nam Kan at the highest altitudes – thanks to a 15 kilometer long Zipline network. The region offers tourists another interesting travel destination.

The region in Laos

Rain, Monsoon and Urwalder: More than half of the surface of the Laos countryside is forested. Before we all get into the forests, the North of the landscape is still a picture, that is the Franzosen-bot, when he is 19. Years of South Korean colonization. The former Indochina goes to Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia.

The war between the three states started in a narrowly tense manner until the end of the Vietnam War in 1975. Laos is neutral and not allied with the communist Viet Cong, who use Laos’ Bergwelt as freedom of movement. If you travel abroad, Air America, a 100-member CIA company, will send millions of tons of bombs into Laos without the immunity of the US Congress. “Secret war” nen Amerikaner deshalb die Bombenabwürfe; It is a Drittel des Landes loaded with duds.

On the tourist route is the best thing you can do. Major investments in the country with the Chinese and Thai Aid massif in road and shore stretches, dams and power plants. The State Leadership of Laos has gone out of the countries of the “Batterie Südostasiens” in 2027. It is a large dam at Luang Prabang, which Mekong and Nam Khan fly together with each other. A place, so beautiful, that Buddha ended up in Luang Prabang on his journey.

Cable cars connecting Baumhäuser in Dschungel

Sie throne at a height of 40 meters in the Kronen von Baumriesen: The Dschungeldomizile von Gibbon ExperienceLink to a new tab opened in Nordlaos is weltweit einmaal. The name of the holiday resort (there is so little Gibbon-Experience) ist Programm. When the human beings are the guest of the Nam-Kan-Nationalpark on airy heights – at a distance of 15 kilometers of Zipline networks, the length of the Seilrutsche mist is 600 meters.

The Ziplines no longer connect to the Baumhäuser, but see that they go through the Dschungel. Ginge man zu Fuß, bräuchte man eight Stunden für den Trail; per Seilrutsche since the end of the year.

„Gibbon Experience“ offers more out-flight packages and – in Wortsinn. In his 160 square meter Baumhäusern-house on Betten, Bäder and more Balcony, with this Glück a man can come out of wild Gibbons here.

Of Slow boats the Mekong River

Once you are in the Mekong, you will never end up in Nordlaos again. Between Ban Houayxay, an Ort an der Grenze in Thailand, and the provincial city of Luang Prabang, the river is completely open to slow boats. If so, we will stop the rapids and take the 300-kilometer-long Strecke zwei Tage. Wherever it goes, nature is a spirit and the Mekong that is busy with it, who is in the mountainous months in a voluntary bow.

The Slow Boats are the main representative for the Mekong in Laoten, an Art Wassertaxi, which makes more tourists useful. Ownership of the comfort of the boat; There are now no padded benches, seat reservations and in Dorf Pak Beng, who take the boat for a night, to pensions and guests.

A spectacular journey with the train

The Laotian Abschnitt of China-Laos-Eisenbahn is 422 kilometers long. Since 2021, the new Schienenstrang China will be connected to Vientiane, the main city of Laos. A large route of the Strecke führt during the Bergwelt von Nordlaos – a spectacular route. Denn die Züge fahren über 167 Brücken, tauchen 75-mal in Tunneln ab en überqueren bei Luang Prabang den Mekong. The personal travel speed is up to 160 km/h; a Extension after Thailand has been planted.

Who spoils Laos Ammunition

Grenades, which serve as tiergatter, will find the Kajak-shaped rocket parts, jewelry from bomb splitters – Laoten during the utilisation of ammunition remains from the Vietnam War.

‘Make art, not war. Buy back the bombs” (Macht Kunst, nicht Krieg. Kauft die Bomben zurück) – under the motto understützt the international Peacebomb Project with the Munitionsräumung, and the flights in Gelder from Schmuckverkäufen after Laos zurück (article22.comLink to a new tab opened).

The sentence

“Those Vietnamese enjoy the journey, the Khmer people will visit, and the Laotians will enjoy it, who is waiting for it”

The Asian Sprichwort is outlined by the Arbeitsteilung, it is in the rest of Indochina herrschte and in Northern Laos to the highest Gültigkeit hat. In the Bergregionen the problems in the Straßen-region are experienced, while time no longer stands on the other side of the road. Man is a real tradition in the tradition, and one of the most extensive Buddhist glazes has had a great deal of tension in Laoten.

Skurriles, Rekordverdächtiges, Typisches: Weitere Teile unserer You can find the Länderkunde series here.