
KFSHRC announces strategic partnership for the NYC C3 Summit Davos of Healthcare 2024

RIAD, Saudi Arabia, September 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zur Stärkung seiner globalen Präsenz with the King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center (KFSHRC) as wichtigster Partner at NYC C3 Summit Davos of Healthcare 2024 teilnehmen, der am Montag in New York began. Under the motto “Tech-Driven Healthcare Evolution & Breakthroughs: Addressing Future Global Challenges & Impact of Advanced Technologies” (Technologiegetriebene Entwicklungen und Durchbrüche im Gesundheitswesen: Bewältigung künftiger globaler Herausforderungen und Auswirkungen fortschrittlicher Technologies) soll der Gipfel den Dialog und die Zusammenarbeit zischen n USA and the Arab World in the Gesundheitssektor fördern.

In collaboration with the General Assembly of the United Nations (UNGA) with the Summit with greetings from Dr. Björn Zoéga, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the KFSHRC, the Co-Presidents of the C3 Summit, Professor Dr. Ghassan Abou-Alfa, and the Founder and Managing Partner of the Summit, Ransel Potter, eröffnet. Dr. Zoéga has been briefed on the global health care for the knowledge of the general system and the development of the global broader state of affairs that will promote the redevelopments in general health care.

In the framework of the programs of Dr. Feras Khaliel, Leader of the Heart Transplantation Program of the KFSHRC, the opening speech entitled “The Potential of Technology-Driven Health and Well-being” (Das Potenzial technologiegestützter Gesundheitsfürsorge) ends. Dr. Edward Cupler, Executive Director of Research and Innovation, spoke about “A Rising Biotechnology Powerhouse” (Ein aufstrebendes Biotech-Zentrum). Consult Dr. Salah Baz, Executive Director of the Genomics Center, about the application of the genome in the referred patient organization.

Zum ersten Mal wird der diesjährige C3 Summit in UNGA Guide 2024 als international Spitzentreffen in de Gesundheitswesen aufgeführt. Der Gipfel with Führungskräfte, Entscheidungsträger, Bildungsexperten and Gesundheitsexperten from the Arab world and the USA, a number of themes that the zukünftige Gestaltung of Gesundheitszentren, frühkindliche Bildung for ganzheitliches Wohlbefinden, modern Ansätze zur Krebsfrüherken nung and transformative strategies for the integrated health care from Müttern to to argue .

The KFSHRC component is not meant to participate in the collaboration with global institutions and the wisdom through the large international conferences and delegations. You can no longer focus on the path-breaking approach of KFSHRC and its continued commitment to the highest standards of quality and innovation in a long time with the Saudi Vision 2030 and the healthcare transformation program.

The KFSHRC would be established in the following years as the best academic Medizinzentrum in Nahen Osten and in Africa and on the Platz 20 to 250 best academic Medizinzentren weltweit and in the ranking of Brand Finance 2024 as the best economic market and in Nahen Osten anerkannt. Außerdem wurde selfben Jahr von der Zeitschrift Newsweek as one of the 250 best Krankenhäuser der Welt aufgeführt.

Media contact:
Essam Al-Zahrani
+966 55 525 4429
[email protected]

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