
Waldbühne Sigmaringendorf said Stück über Serienmörder

Waldbühne Sigmaringendorf said Stück über Serienmörder

If there has been a summer season, there is a play from the Sigmaringendorfer Waldbühne, because in the preparations for the next project: In October, the Sigmaringendorfer Gemeindehaus will be performed by Florian Wein’s piece “Böse” from the Cantus-Verlag. While the sisters and sisters in the witty and emotional inner lives of psychopathic series appear, it ends up in a press conference.

Knapp and Rekord season earlier

With 10,000 rides at Kinderstück “Peter Pan” and quickly 7,000 at Erwachsenenstück “Der große Gatsby”, the Waldbühne passed the Zuschauerzahlen der Rekordsaison 2014, as “Die Päpstin” and “Ronja Räubertocht” 17, with an Auslastung of 96.2%. 208 Zuschauer nach Sigmaringendorf lockten.

Two new Stücke in de kommenden Monaten planted

For the time that the playtime is on the free light stage, the season is such that more Stücke is planted. As a young talent under the guidance of theater programs, Nadja chooses for the winter the traditional winter tradition, the power of Director Hannah Fanslau with her own sister-ammengestellten Ensemble on, the “Böse” in the human on bad grounds. The gleichnamige Stück by Florian Wein poses the inner life a Serienmörders dar.

It’s about the piece

Former TV moderator Leon Schneider in a new investigation with Help from experts with Criminal Police Chief Janelt and Psychology Breitenbach who commits the murder of the murderer, who experiences the public, neutral and psychopathic staff of the serial killers ever again new disaster führen.

For the recordings in the Vorfeld with a professional film crew, the films are played while another reel is being played, among other things in the Sigmaringendorfer ECO tank.

Aufführung now for two weeks

The Aufführungen von „Böse“ take place on the Wednesdays 11. to 13. and 25. to 27. October in Sigmaringendorfer Gemeindehaus statt. Der Vorverkauf für das Stück started online in September or by telephone (reservation options available) under: 07571 3520 (orders and appointments from 6 to 8 p.m.).

The management of the Waldbühne weisen darauf hin, dass das Stück explizite Darstellungen körperlicher Gewalt be inhaltet. The basics are for people who respond sensibly here, so that they don’t have any money until the age of 16.