
After Superbloom-Anger: Bill and Tom Kaulitz listen to the critics of the Munich Festival

After Superbloom-Anger: Bill and Tom Kaulitz listen to the critics of the Munich Festival

In the war in Munich that summer there are a few boats: Neben Adele, Taylor Swift and Coldplay wanted music fans at the Superbloom-Festival with live performances were provided. But in the Olympiapark not everything goes according to wish: Long wartezeiten in the crowded midday sun make for a visitors für frustraty. Bill and Tom Kaulitz, who are a woman with their band Tokio Hotel at the stand, now look at their criticism and the installation.

“Wusste nicht, wie uns geschieht”: Bill and Tom Kaulitz talk about Superbloom-Auftritt

In the new podcasts “Kaulitz Hills – Senf from Hollywood” Bill and Tom Kaulitz broadcast their concert during the Superbloom Festival. For the music player who played with the Mittagszeit during the war, Tom was clear: “At 12.30 o’clock we stood in the beautiful Sonne on the stage and I was sure that we would not miss it. I could not enjoy our Sonnenbrille.” Bill ergänzt daraufhin: “My Körper war noch gar nicht in Performance-Mode.”

“A Couple of Problems”: Bill and Tom Kaulitz Discuss Their Superbloom Criticism

Once the music player has experienced the time as disinterested empfanden, he has positive experiences with the Munich Tag. Tom erzählt: “It was a very beautiful concert. The Publikum was super.” Daraufhin sich der Ehemann von Heidi Klum aber auch zu der Kritik, the ways of the caretakers Einlasszeiten auf the Veranstalter hereingeprasselt war: “I have heard, I have a few Probleme beim Einlass, weshalb sich a few Leute geärgert haben, that’s the first zu den letzten Songs geschafft haben order teilweise gar nicht.

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“Sehr, sehr schönes Konzert”: Tom and Bill Kaulitz with Superbloom-Auftritt Zufrieden

Of course the music expresses the frustration of fans, it is not fair that gelände geschafft is. If you have found the Auftritt as a full story, with Tom abschließend still a mad party: “Es war ein sehr, sehr schönes Konzert, fand ich.” It seems that Tom and Bill Kaulitz have become bald for their German fans on their stomach – and then they are polite with a sense of guilt.