
Handball Bundesliga – THW Kiel celebrates the first season – Sports

Handball Bundesliga – THW Kiel celebrates the first season – Sports

Kiel (dpa/lno) – The THW Kiel had its first Siege in the new Spielzeit. In Duell Zweier Traditionsclubs you go for the Rekordmeister a 33:24 (17:11)-Heimsieg über Frisch Auf Göppingen. Best Werfer were Emil Madsen with the new Treffern für Kiel and Erik Persson with the Toren für Göppingen.

The Kieler, who lost at 27:32 at the Rhein-Neckar Löwen hats, brauchten and another game, a game they found. It takes a minute before Emil Madsen makes the first goal for the North German mark. In the 16th minute, the Neuzugang from Denmark starts with a fifth hit at 9:4.

Kiel is proud of the personnel problems

If the North German population has a problem, it is a personal problem. Madsen, the Croatian capital Domagoj Duvnjak and the Swedish Eric Johansson bear the last brunt of the tragedy. In Linus Kutz and Henri Pabst there are only two requisite forces for recovery in the cadre. Karl Wallinius, Elias Ellefsen and Skipagøtu and Nikola Bilyk were injured.

The Göppingern feels itself aber the Mittel, um the Norddeutschen seriousness in Gefahr zu bring. The Swabian slates themselves are often technical experts and have been used eleven times by Kieler goalkeeper Andreas Wolff.

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