
CSU Chef reports BILD signals Fitness plan: Söder isst … die Hälfte | Politics

CSU Chef reports BILD signals Fitness plan: Söder isst … die Hälfte | Politics

Below the Hashtag „#Söderisst“ reads the Bayerische Ministerpräsident seine 610 000 Instagram-Follower schon longer an seiner Liebe für Fast Food teilhaben. The effect is the Döner aber gegen Grünzeug.

Markus Söder (57, CSU) is happy for his love through genteel Schmankerln. DonerSchweinsbraten, French Bratwürste – the Bayerische Prime Minister enjoys the culinary life and read a lot of followers Wöchentlich mit Fotos daran teilhaben.

If BILD is verrät, stand a radical Kurswechsel in the summer!

Fitness is on Pistazien-Eis

“A fitness program was started during the summer holidays in August,” erklärt Söder. So here’s the plan: “Regular swimming, safe travel and easy access and healthy living in Essen.”

CSU boss Markus Söder (57) enjoys a gelato in Rome. In the summer, war is a fact in a Tabu

CSU boss Markus Söder (57) enjoys a gelato in Rome. In the summer, war is a fact in a Tabu

Photo: picture alliance/dpa

Be sure to take good care of your child: Be sure to enjoy the Pistazien-Eis happy for the Abnehm-Kur auf der Strecke! Generally speaking, it is important to know what to do next.

A great Chancellor goes no further

Exciting: Not only has the counter changed so much, there is also a surprise in the face. Shortly after, CSU boss Bart! First presentations are a new look at the ARD summer interview – and introduce you to culture.

Schon im Januar said in a radio interview: “Ein Bart würde mir eigentlich gefallen.” But signal Umfeld has in general abgeraten. Nun hat is a violation and dares the new style.

Zufall, is this worth buying? Schließlich hated Germany nor a single Chancellor. A geschickter Wink in Richtung Berlin? Chancellor Candidates’ Ambitions became the CSU Chief and would continue for a long time.

Even if it was a pleasant day, the debate, which CDU leader Merz is paying attention to at the Köcheln stop.

The Prime Minister plays sports

Things that happen on Instagram will last longer: Statt deftigem Essen presents a healthy alternative, which is located on the Mediterranean. “Gibt Kraft and is not so schwer”, comments Söder.

You can find this position on Instagram

Um mit Inhalten aus Instagram und oth er socialen Netzwerken are interactive or diese darzustellen, brauchen with deine Zustimmung.

Who fell because of their fitness program, that’s not the case. “Those Waage and I were not the best friends,” he said, laughing. But that Ergebnisse since visible: Beim Besuch des Cowboyclubs München 1913 e. V. präsentierte Söder sich so schlank wie long nicht.

Would you like to follow a fitness training from the CSU boss? I am in the Nuremberg “Clubbad”, where BILD is betrayed.