
Grosseinsatz in Konstanz: Vermutlich bewaffneter 19-Jähriger flüchtet Richtung Schweiz

Grosseinsatz in Konstanz: Vermutlich bewaffneter 19-Jähriger flüchtet Richtung Schweiz

Grosseinsatz in Konstanz is one of the Swiss Borders.
Grosseinsatz in Konstanz is one of the Swiss Borders.


In the German city of Konstanz, the Schweizer Grenze is the police with a gross area in the Einsatz. As a shutdown set, a vermutliche guard 19-year-old Richtung Kreuzlingen TG is flown.

No time? Blue News fast for these sisters

  • My German Konstanz is a vermutliche bewaffneter 19-jähriger after another Auseinandersetzung Richtung Schweiz geflüchtet.
  • The Polizei is with a large amount of money in the Einsatz. The Kantonspolizei Thurgau could best use an einsatz.

This article is being activated.

Leaving the city is in the area of ​​​​the Innenstadt of Konstanz, in the Reichenaustrasse and the Schänzlebrücke, on the Schweizer Seite a large-scale bone of the police in Einsatz.

Anyone who has the Police Präsidium Konstanz can find themselves in a hotel in the Reichenaustrasse in a Auseinandersetzung. A 19-year-old flight is operated with an E-Roller in Richtung Innenstadt and Schweiz. Anyone who reports «20 minutes» will travel to the city of Bodensee.

If you are concerned with the police with all the available forces and support of the colleges from Thurgau with high pressure after the man. That can deform a waffle with its softness.

Media spokesperson Roxanne Gräflein from the Kantonspolizei Thurgau bestätigte gegenüber «Blick» a police insatz on the Schweizer page.

The message goes to a party on the Marktstätte in Konstanz. If you have a problem with the trade, it is unclear. A party could take place on the Kantonspolizei Thurgau in the Donnerstagbend not best.