
Tourismus – Tourismusbranche with new Spitzenwert im Südwesten – Reise

Stuttgart (dpa/lsw) – The Baden-Württemberg tourism industry has suffered greatly from Corona. The increase has risen by 25.9 billion euros in the past year, according to Economic State Secretary Patrick Rapp (CDU) in Stuttgart. It is a new record value. As for the brutality, nor for the summer of 2023, it is true that the Corona crisis will quickly last 30 days, but the party in the year 2023 will last longer than you want. The other revenue of 25.3 billion euros increased in 2019 and 2.2 percent have now been affected. These data are included in the study “Wirtschaftsfaktor Tourismus Baden-Württemberg”.

The study in tourism has identified people who have suffered a loss at a certain level of 30 percent of the cases and have reached the pandemic level with approximately 374,000 people, which the Ministry of Economic Affairs said.

Winner of Hotel and Gaststätten

For all the hospitality industry, also hotels and guesthouses, profitable. The relocation yields an annual profit of 12.1 billion euros. It is a plus amount of 9.9 percent in 2019 and an amount of 81.6 percent of the Vorgängerstudy in the year 2021. Tourism in the country is as grim as it is not. There is a possibility to let the industry invest in investments.

Stop making profits from the gut. Auch im Bereich Dienstleistungen see a light price of 0,2 Prozent gegenüber 2019 with nummehr 5,6 Billiarden Euro (+ 39,9 Prozent gegenüber 2021) zu verzeichnen. The Einzelhandel was bleibe with 8.2 Billion Euro gross revenue behind the value of 2019 zurück (minus 6.4 Prozent), could be compared with the price of 15 Prozent scaffolding.

Die Studie wurde vom Deutschen Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Instituts für Fremdenverkehr (dwif) erhoben. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has followed the study all summer in Auftrag since 2015.

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