
Gütsch: Lucerne muss roads Felssturzgefahr Sofortmassnahmen einleiten

Gütsch: Lucerne muss roads Felssturzgefahr Sofortmassnahmen einleiten

Felssturzgefahr in Lucerne: Am Gütsch, einem Hang im Westen der Stadt, ist der Fels in Bewegung. Whoever enjoys the city on a free morning will have a pleasant experience. Weitere Informationen sollen im Rahmen einer Pressekonferenz follow.

If the main problem occurs, the Hang will be with a Sanierungskonzept. If you visit the hotel in Gütsch, you will be able to enjoy the Hotel Château Gütsch before evacuating.

In 2016, a total of 125 residents escaped from a high-rise building, as reported by the “Bote der Urschweiz”. If you want a message on one of the following pages of the Bewegung page, you can receive messages from a “Donnergrollen”. In an indefinite period of time, it went in the Bruchquartier for 13 years a tattoo in a new Felssturz, when in 2011 the Kubikmeter meter disappeared from the wall.