
This Putzfehler can damage a Deine Gläser

This Putzfehler can damage a Deine Gläser

Beim Brille cleaning muss man vorsichtig signal, um the Gläser nicht zu zekratzen. TAG24 is clear, but typical cleaning problems can be avoided.

Brillenträger knows the problem: Staubparticle, Fingerabdrücke as well as Wasserdampf und Rain sogen dafür, that Brillen quickly change. Wenn’s fast cleaning process became creative.

Experience my experience here Advice for cleaningwelche Fehler beim Brille Putzen fast jedem schon mal im Alltag unterlaufen since.

This Fehler must be cleaned often with glasses

Cleaning glasses mold eben am Saum? Besser niece, when a man wants to avoid disturbing Kratzer.

Cleaning glasses mold eben am Saum? Besser niece, when a man wants to avoid disturbing Kratzer. © 123RF/ Jarungthip Jarin

There is only one thing left to do, if you can no longer use the crater-free glasses, there are some brilliant labels that are clean and sanitized.

Here is the problem solved!

If you are on the glasses that you see, it may be that you have a sweater or a T-shirt-saum, one of the glasses that you want. Finally, that goes quickly and the glasses are most often clear again.

This property is all that is harmful: the textile phase of the Staub, which is in the clay piece verb, can be placed on the glass schnell-empfindliche microkratzer achterlassen.

These costs cannot be ended, but they can be combated.

In the future it may be passivating, the fact that the light is affected and said that it is not necessary for the lenses to be larger.

If the sun glasses have landed a little on this Weise, the light has started again, that is death UV protection excluded – a seriousness of the nehmendes Risiko für die Augen!

Ebenfalls gut gemeint, aber schlecht geeignet, sind Reinigungsücher für Hand en Gesicht order einfache Taschentücher. Autumn falls on the glasses with time and the view of Mal zu Mal is a little bit poorer.

To properly clean your glasses, avoid the following methods:

  • Brille nicht een Kleidungsstücken wie Ärmeln or der Shirtsäumen abwischen
  • Provide paper towels and bags at the cleaning display
  • No moisturizing cleansing or cosmetic products are used that are not explicitly used as a brilliant cleansing agent

Brille richtig putzen: So wird’s gemacht

The medium eyeglass cleaner is intended for simple cleaning of the best Hilfsmittel with eyeglass cleaning.

The medium glasses cleaner is intended for simple cleaning of the best Hilfsmittel with glasses cleaning. © 123RF/perfectlab

Cleaning the glasses is no longer possible, but you can not Hexenwerk and usually quickly erase.

Brilliant putzen with microphase effect

I am ideal for on the go when I don’t have a glasses cover bzw. a microfiber towel.

Damit welds myself with these cleaning tools.

The cleaning will not be effective if you do this with one thing special glasses cleaning spray foreign.

Glasses cleaning and flying washer

Von Zeit zu Zeit bzw. if the verschmutzungen are stronger, die Clean the glasses under the light, with lukewarm water.

A mild water treatment or a flowing hand cleansing is full, one of the nutrient media is green. The end of the brilliant connection with a microphaser or a larger and larger network is reached.

Here it is important that with the glass and the way you work, you cannot use a Fassung.

Ultrasonic cleaning tools used

If you use more lenses or regularly clean your cleaning and cleaning products thoroughly, you may want to consider one of the ultra-scalp cleaning tools.

These may no longer work and come off cleansing inner half few minutesAn alternative to using small parts is that Optiker offers the Ultrasonic Cleaning service in your branch.

Cleaning the glasses frame is not forgotten

If you notice the glasses, chances are you will get a brand name for your customers. Make sure that the wax and the bug are only hygienic and that all pairs of Tage-sauber are gemacht.

Here it is flying, the prices of Wasser are together with a Tropfen Spüli the best Wahl.

For a clear story, a man can find a brilliant leader.

For a clear story a man can find a brilliant leader. © Unsplash/Ugo °

This may be interesting:

Who is often the brilliant putzen?

Once the glasses are clean, do not spray daily, this is a few times thoroughly and is best to clean. If the glasses stop in another place in the Wasserhahn, a special glasses cleaning spray can be returned.

A microphase function or one of the brilliant brilliant lenses can start once.