
Konjunktur: Deutsche Industrie verzeichnet Anstieg von Kurzarbeit

Konjunktur: Deutsche Industrie verzeichnet Anstieg von Kurzarbeit

In German industry it is worth more Principle of course. In August, 14.3 Prozent der Firmen were affected, who bekannt gab the Münchner ifo-Institut. I’m still not at 12.5 Prozent. 23 Prozent der Unternehmen works voor de kommenden drei Monate Kurzarbeit, teilte das Institut unter Berufung auf die eigenen Konjunkturumfragen mit. Allerdings only ran into problems in 2022 when they are on the standard.

Before the background of the construction in the German industry was introduced by the company of the enterprise, the “comparative light” had always appeared positive. We are struck by a number of people who consider the criticism to be weighty. “Consequently, if they seem proud of their workmanship and their ability to reduce or lower their positions, this help is to bridge the gap between short-term work”, says ifo expert Sebastian Link.

Viel Kurzarbeit at Möbelherstellern

Others affected were the Forschern Zuletzt die Möbelhersteller with etwa 29 Prozent as well as the Metallerzeugung with 27.7 Prozent. In the mechanical engineering and automotive industries, jewelry consisted of more than 19 products that were exported. I am interested in the chemical sector “keine nennenswerte Kurzarbeit”.

This is the case with the Lkw-Bauer Daimler Truck in September, the roads are sinking. They are looking forward to the next month.

In June the Zahl of the Kurzarbeiter on the Bundesagentur für Arbeit was 232,000, but this was overcome by the Verarbeitende Gewerbe activities. Während der Coronapandemic reports de Behörde zeitweise Sechs Millionen Kurzarbeiter.

Inform about possible investments and worse research to the institute for the forecast of the future. The Forschenden-rechnen are caused by a stagnation of the gross domestic products.

Regierung rechnet noch nicht mit Erholung

The large company that works on the labor market belongs to the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs with. “The Frühindikatoren have not appeared on any trend turn, the soft drink is from the keiner Belebung on the labor market in the two-year sale”, he says in a message. The real remarkable wage increases that the consumption offers ensure that you on the Arbeitsplatz at the Verbrauchern-offenbar not. A cyclical experience will be worth it to start a few years first. “The football European mastery seems to have given the consumer no sensible impulse”, the ministry said. As soon as the consumer services by trade, transport and the hospitality industry became the low again unfavorable.