
A small social media account posts an animated video of the Dome of the Rock on fire. The Palestinian Foreign Ministry uses it to stir up hatred. ~ Elder Of Ziyon

A small social media account posts an animated video of the Dome of the Rock on fire. The Palestinian Foreign Ministry uses it to stir up hatred. ~ Elder Of Ziyon

A Hebrew social media account calling itself “Temple Mount Activists” posted an animated video showing the Dome of the Rock on fire.

As far as I can tell, the video was made by a small group or individual. The X/Twitter account has 550 followers; the Telegram account has 105 subscribers.

They have posted this video three times since August, the first two times barely getting any attention. Only the most recent post has gotten a few thousand views.

In another video they made, a rocket can be seen destroying the site, while a Jewish man with a walking stick happily walks through the explosions reminiscent of a video game.

Virtually no one follows this group. No one has ever heard of them. They represent no one. They are probably sincere in their desire for Jews to take over the Temple Mount, but they are hardly influential or representative of the Israeli government or Israelis in general.

But the Palestinians and their allies want to portray all Jews as warmongers who want nothing more than to destroy the Dome of the Rock. That is why this video is getting a lot of publicity in the Arab and other Islamic media, with screaming headlines in Al Jazeera and elsewhere.
Who published this video more than anyone else? The Palestinian Foreign Ministry, which issued a press release about it:

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Affairs warns about what is circulating on social media under the name of the “Temple Mount Activists Organization” about the bombing of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock in preparation for the construction of the alleged temple on that site, under the slogan “soon in our days”. The ministry notes that this is not the first time that the so-called “Temple Mount Organizations Union” has incited against the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, as the image of the alleged temple on the site of the Dome of the Rock is constantly promoted.

The Ministry is deeply concerned about this ongoing incitement, especially as it is accompanied by an escalation of the storming of the mosque by Jewish extremists and the performance of Talmudic prayers and religious rituals in the courtyards in an unprecedented manner, notably epic prostration, trumpet blasts, various forms of dancing, raising of the Israeli flag, and much more…

The Ministry affirms that the failure of the international community to assume its legal and moral responsibilities towards what is being done to our people and Al-Aqsa encourages the extremist Israeli government to escalate its aggression and crimes and target the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Thanks to the people who claim to be offended by the videos, they are seen by hundreds of thousands of people who otherwise would never have known about them. If they are just as concerned about Israelis stirring up Muslim sentiment, why are they making it worse?

The videos are certainly provocative, but things are only provocative when people see them. It is clear that the group or person behind these accounts represents very few people – almost no one openly advocates blowing up the Dome of the Rock. But the Palestinian Foreign Ministry wants everyone to see these videos that would otherwise have been forgotten – because They are the ones who want a holy war.

They are the ones who want to make Muslims so angry that they want to kill Jews.

The Jordanian truck driver who murdered three Jews at Allenby Bridge this week was not a member of a militant group. He was brainwashed by constant media lies about how all Jews are bad, and he planned an attack where he could kill all the Jews he could find – and be seen as a hero for it. He was so filled with hatred by media lies that he willingly sacrificed his life to murder three random Jews, two of whom were in their 60s.

The media, by publishing lies about Israel, incites violence. This is not only happening in the Arab media, but also in the Western world, with the constant association of the word “genocide” with Jews. The thought experiment of going back in time to kill Hitler is, for the brainwashed anti-Semites, something they can do something about now, since they are convinced that every Israeli murders Palestinian civilians, so killing them first will save lives.

Muslim anti-Semites have more incentive to spread this video than Israelis do, because their commodity is outrage. The more they can get their fellow Arabs and Muslims to want to kill Jews, the more successful they consider their campaigns.

This shows that a major source of this incitement to murder Jews is the Palestinian Authority itself.

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