
“Weaker and healthy”: CSU chief Markus Söder Macht Diät-Ansage

“Weaker and healthy”: CSU chief Markus Söder Macht Diät-Ansage

Markus Söder said the Pfunden of the Kampf

Provided that “#soderisst” – Post dürfte der Politiker wohl bei een Followern für Wirrung gesorgt haben. Statt Schweinebraten lands Räucherlachs on the Teller, the Pommes have to weichen an Ofenkartoffel with Quark. “Leicht und gesund”, wrote Söder dazu. Have you gotten a hint from the plötzlichen Ernährungsumstellung?

“During the summer holidays in August I started a fitness program,” the 57-year-old began with “”. Neben Wahlkampftouren still now ach Radtouren and regular swimming on seinem Programm. Statt Fastfood is “weaker and healthier Essen” in the Speiseplan. Show the view of the süßigkeiten.

The first erebnisse can weld. A few clothes in the “Cowboy Club Munich” are dressed in their best Western outfit. Photos of the Auftritt tell Markus Söder on Instagram. A message was posted that there was a notification: “#söderisst dort natürlich ein Steak”.

Neuer Look: CSU chief Söder trägt jetzt Bart

But not yet there is an improvement in Markus’s approach. Visually observe how the Prime Minister holds a small meeting in his face. Statt glatt rasiert who at the Opening of the Bayreuther Festival, wed Soder sich with Tochter Gloria-Sophie (25) said, tries the four-fache Familynvater now a Ziegenbart. First time I saw the CSU Chef with a new message Watch the ARD Summer Interview on August 25, 2024.