
There are 12 credible German Workers among Students

There are 12 credible German Workers among Students

There are 12 credible German Workers among Students

The fragments of Gen Z life history have become increasingly longer.
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12 German universities are an attractive profession for study. There is a relationship with the employer-branding-agntur-universum erggeben.

Deutschland lies on the Platz behind the US and ahead of France. Vertreten are Dax-konzerne with Adidas and Mercedes, such as Lidl.

The study results of the German companies for their innovations, Arbeitsplatzsicherheit and Work-Life-Balance.

I am a Fachkräfte-konkurrieren-deutsche Unternehmen nicht nur untereinander, an international top talent among the international Konzernen. Do you want to know what the Arbeitgeber from Deutschland dabei is?

Not at all bad. This is the most attractive ranking of the world’s most attractive employers – of the world’s most attractive employers, short WMAW, 2024. The ranking is among the 75 most likely employees in the world at 12 German universities. Germany is on the Platz zwei behind the USA (35 companies) – and ahead of France (10 companies).

For the ranking of the Employer Branding Reporting Universe* insgesamt 144,000 Study efficiency in the Fachbereichen Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Ingenieurwesen and IT befragt. And heavy in the world’s large Volkswirtschaften: Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Great Britain and the USA. A ranking has appeared that should be considered one of the few that received the best listeners.

The fragments of the history of life of the generation Z have become longer and longer. The universe is a young talent for all Arbeitsplatzsicherheit, a high degree of efficiency and flexible working conditions that are of great importance.

These German referees are credible in study results

German companies have never been believed by the young generation. The study associations with their characteristics with innovations, innovative technologies, Arbeitsplatzsicherheit and Work-Life-Balance. Now American Americans are no longer innovative.

The 12th ranking of companies of Adidas, Allianz, BASF, Bayer, BMW Group, Bosch, Deutsche Bank, Lidl, Mercedes-Benz Group, SAP, Siemens and the Volkswagen Group. Adidas is one of the most popular German students among BWL students – and lands at Platz 19.

The ranking does not focus on Germany’s strong position as a prosperous country in technological progress.

Ingenieure has won the ranking ahead of all Siemens (Platz 6) and Volkswagen (Platz 8). If the IT students bought überraschenderweise nicht SAP, below Mercedes-Benz in the Top 20. The car manufacturer lands at Platz 13.

“The ranking does not focus on the strong position of Deutschlands as a world leader in technological progress,” commented Universum Deutschland manager David Falzon of the results. “In an unreal time, it is still a company that prioritises employee commitment and workplace security and gives an innovation orientation to the workplace fore.”

*Learn more about The Stepstone Group with Business Insider at Axel Springer SE.