
Car speeds at 98 km/h during 30-er-Zone

Car speeds at 98 km/h during 30-er-Zone

Other politicians love the car industry because they spend a lot of money and have no knowledge of Wilhelm-Kuhr-Straße. Missions to the background of flight and the use of weapons of war, legitimate war, continue.

14 hours: If you are carrying out a check on the RAW-gelände in Berlin-Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, you can be the free time of Polizisten be injured. The Beamten-war after the police of Saturday and Mann has fallen, because he has adjourned. If they mutate a Penalty, they are written.

During the blessings of the men, the politicians are put in the bag. The man was fiercely policed. You can reach the age of 50 by making a ray in the upper thigh and going a little further with the elbows in sight. A person made the film and is in solidarity with the man, he is that. Also the 50-year-olds are injured. There has been a medical treatment of the wound in sight.

13:39 hrs: A Schlägerei for a Club in Berlin-Lichtenberg has been executed by a police and rescue team. The people who are engaged in the experience of knowledge and outpatient behavior in the Krankenhaus, have had a police briefing. This is the message from “BZ”.

The people are happy to visit the Swiss guests and their security personal. These are elegant and you can combine your hands with more people. When the two men arrive at the Krankenhaus, the police will tell a different story. The animal must undergo proper treatment. More details are not available yet. The Polizei is responsible for the Hintergründen.

2:03 p.m.: A senior woman came off the Straße with his car on the Donnerstagmittag in Berlin-Zehlendorf and was pushed into a Baum. The years of 87 were spent with inner carelessness in the hospital, which the police were responsible for.

After a woman had gone to war, the woman was on the Teltower Damm in the Schädestraße and the Leo-Baeck-Straße in the direction of Beeskowdamm-on the way for 13 hours. In the Höhe des Schweizerhofparks, on the Fußgängerüberweg, you will find the vehicle to the right of the Fahrbahn-abgekommen and with a Baum-collidiert.

12.59 pm: A Mann hat in a canal in Oranienburg must destroy the ammunition. A Zeuge has a Mann who is engaged in the battle in the canal warf, which radiates a speaker of the police. Shortly the position of the locks would make more sharp cartridges in water fest and informed the police. Now the lock is first Mal blocked.

12.41 pm: In the southwest of Berlin, a man had never lived a brand. Neighbours had yet begun reanimation – all inherited. Read more about the background here.

11.55 am: On Thursday morning there is a car manufacturer in Reinickendorf with his vehicle a pedestrian. It is the Berliner Polizei mit. Demnach fuhr a 57-year-old from a ground piece on the Residenzstraße. It is the woman who happens, the Fahrbahn-überquerte. The 80s have gone through the injuries and the existence of an arm, so the police continue. If you perform the stationary treatment in a Krankenhaus, this is müssen.

4:41 p.m.: Due to a heated battle with two injuries, police officers are at the Columbiabad in Berlin-Neukölln in deployment. A stop has been made, while you are using a speaker of the Berliner Bäder-Betriebe. The Freibad is no longer suitable if the Vorfall is in the incoming traffic. Read more about the background here.

13:46 hrs: The Midweek Bend was in Neukölln a 58-year-old man-fest taken, the laut weugen de Hitlergruß gezeigt haben soll. Der Vorfall begins at 20:30 in the Erkstraße, as an unintended woman, a burka-trug, and the man-vorbeilief. There are only indications that the Hitlergruß has got an idea.

Witnesses alert the police, the suspects capture. This is the Tat’s fight. An identification-identification can be carried out free of charge. The political state protection of the Landescriminalamts in Berlin has the further ermittlungen-overnommen.

09.49 am: In the Gesundbrunnen is the Mittwochabend a 27-year-old Mann of a 14-year-old Jugendlichen with a Messer angry and injured. Der Vorfall begins at 20 o’clock on the way of the Pankstraße, when the Mann a schlag and the guilt wastes and the young hinter is noticeable. Read more here.

08.51 am: Am the two-way bend wurden Einsatzkräfte roads een Brandstiftung nach Neu-Hohenschönhausen gerufen. At 10.30 pm you will arrive at the Parkplatz in the Falkenberger Chaussee and the Coupé will be ready. The Feuer griff auf zwei benachbarte Vehicle over and damaged a laterne. The Feuerwehr was able to release the Fire, it is not Verletzten.

06.06 am: In the night of Thursday it was 1 o’clock at Schussabgaben in the Bülowstraße three men in the Alter von 44 and 42 years verletzt. One of the 42 year old men still freezes on the road in the hospital, but lets the others both operate in the clinic and station. More than here.

22:16 hrs: In the Abendstunden you go to a Parkplatz in Barther Straße drei Pkw in Flammen. The Feuerwehr can remove the brunning Fahrzeuge with a C-Strahlrohrs and Druckluftschaum schösnell. Even so, few persons were lost. The Ursache des Brandes is not clear, the Ermittlungen have disappeared.