
Volkswagen: VW-Betriebsratschefin Cavallo droht mit Streiks

Volkswagen: VW-Betriebsratschefin Cavallo droht mit Streiks

The VW employees are concerned about the failures that come with the new Sparpläne at Volkswagen to set up the army. “We would have done a work and mass work with everything, it was their task to be Arbeitskampf!”, said the chief of staff Daniela Cavallo in an interview with the magazine “Focus”. “Those people are causing themselves great worries. It’s a question of everything.” Cavallo spoke of a “conclusion at VW.”

They work together with the chef of the German German Gewerkschaftsbunds, Yasmin Fahimi and the IG-Metall-Vorsitzenden Christine Benner. Betriebsräte dürfen in your position nicht zu Stripes Cavallo will join the IG Metall Trading Delegation and the one with VW will trade at the highest rates.

Der Konzern hatte angekündigt, betriebsbedingte Kündigungen and Worksschließungen bei der Kernmarke VW no longer auszuschließen. That seit has a job guarantee that is provided for 30 years. «Das is a historical Tabubruch. A weld that never fell, says Cavallo. «We close our work. We are looking forward to an extended period of development.» The job guarantee will last longer in 2029. If you’re looking for more information on active rates, the party’s over.

Ansonsten said Cavallo has conversational skills. “Volkswagen is bad.” Here it is important Dissens. And that is worth doing. The Belegschaft is prepared, here we will write again. “If you see the Stellschrauben, and if you want to pay those costs, you can take a stand to state.” Now you save your VW without having to worry about making it. “If you do not have a long-lasting concept, you can use an abwärtsspirale.”

VW and IG Metaal have first planned the roads of the VW-Krise in their own interests for October. I’m 25. The Gespräche starts in September. Neben der normal Entgeltrunde for the 120.000 VW-Mitarbeiter in Deutschland soll es dabei auch um die nun geschäftigungssicherung gehen. The Friedenspflicht at Volkswagen lauft End November aus. Ab Dezember was then a warning signal.

More information to get Cavallo into politics. The young improved feed for the electric utility vehicle realm is not here. “If you want to buy an E-Car purchase premium for a private home this month, this will be possible. Better works as today. It is enormously heavy.» Since the sale of E-Cars was in the first place, VW had to be more standby for production.

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