
Wie der Kristall nach Kamenz kam

Wie der Kristall nach Kamenz kam

Wie der Kristall nach Kamenz kam

The Bergkristall from the Görlitzer Sammlung is an exotic in Upper Lusatia. Photo: That Partner

Kamenz. On Sunday, September 15, between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., between Dr. Anke Tietz, Geologin am Museum der Westlausitz Kamenz, een geological Stadtexkursion by Kamenz. Start at Elementarium Kamenz, Pulsnitzer Straße 16.

Before you can go 570 million years in one of the interior of the South Baltic Sea storage in the Rutschen and Wurden by abrupt marine material flow through the coast, the material flow through the coast is broken off. Few spater Magma began to heat up and dissolve the ablagerungen.

During the Wanderung der Kontinente, also on a long way through Raum and Zeit, it is so that this Ort is a jene Stelle, on the 800-year-old Kamenz stand. If you achieve the unconstitutional results, this enterprise is won as a workstone and broken in the city. The Tour through Kamenz gives a historical impression in the Abbau and says that Bauten the Verwendung die Gesteine ​​​​in Stadtbild is. There are some Swedish words and vergleichsweise young Sandsteine ​​​​stoked, which go on a shallow art and weise-weg after Kamenz has financed.

Editorial / 13.09.2024

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