
Barrierefreie websites: In Deutschland ist noch Luft nach oben

Barrierefreie websites: In Deutschland ist noch Luft nach oben

In June 2025, the European Accessibility Act (EAA) of the German Barrier Freedom Act in Kraft came into force. At this time, new products and services are offered on computer and operating systems, self-service terminals with ATMs and ticket machines, smartphones, computers, e-book readers, e-commerce services and web shops, banking websites and passenger supply services at the EAA’s requests. .


An active investigation into software management platforms for digital barriers of websites, online stores and online digital services applies to all 56 Prozent der befragten deutschen Unternehmen that are not yet connected to the European Accessibility Act – this includes the following web designs: 80 Prozent der befragten deutschen Unternehmen am der Barrièrefreiheit hohe bis sehr hohe Priorität, was über dem internationalen Durchschnitt von 73 Prozent liegt.

The study covers a number of barrier-free websites: 38 Prozent der Unternehmen verzeichneten a higher Umsatz nach Implementierung inclusive Funktionen on ihren Websites. There are many more options to add text sizes (50 Prozent), Videountertitle (49 Prozent) and Text-to-Speech functions (42 Prozent). Dabei setzen 54 Prozent der Unternehmen auf KI-gesteuerte Lösungen für Barrierefreiheit.

Who designed websites so that they can work for you? This question is on Accessibility Day on November 7, 2024, an online theme day of Enterprise JavaScript conference enterJS. The Veranstalter iX and dpunkt.verlag are putting together an online program in collaboration with accessibility expert Dr. Maria Korneeva, which is another frontend, fullstack and web developer and developer analysis. Product Owners or Tech Leads can also draw on the knowledge of their internal colleagues. Since the Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz (BFSG), which published its barrier-free products in 2025, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are also described in more detail.

If large herausforderungen at the digital digital barrier exemption are that are fragmented over 2700 with eleven federal states that are complex of IT or software (46 Prozent), mangelndes Bewusstsein für Anforderungen (38 Prozent) also Schwierigkeiten, the Mehrwert aufzuzeigen (36 Prozent). People are concerned who are involved in the fields of e-commerce, website design or UX, IT, marketing, customer service and support or business.
