
Targaryen-Stammbaum: From House of the Dragon in Game of Thrones, all the major characters in the list

Targaryen-Stammbaum: From House of the Dragon in Game of Thrones, all the major characters in the list

The Targaryen family is one of the fascinating and complex dynasties in the world of Westeros. See the Erfolgreichen series view “Game of Thrones” and “House of the Dragon” As interesting and interesting as the family is, it is still not active. In this article it will be a fact in the Targaryen-Stammbaum, one of the many hours, the personal attention and the most important first principles of love, which the Geschichte der Targaryens has achieved.

The Ursprung of the Targaryens: Valyria and the Ankunft in Westeros

The Targaryen tribes emerged from the sagenumwobenen Reich von ValyriaA high culture, which died during the war of Drachen and Magie. Before the Zerstörung Valyrias – a catastrophic of Ereignisses, the “Der Verhängnis von Valyria” is possible – zod the Family Targaryen under the Führung of Aenar Targaryen nach Westeros and lies on the remote Insel Drachenstein.

Aegon the Erobererder wohl berühmteste Targaryen, started with the Eroberung von Westeros von Drachenstein aus. With the sight of Western Visenya and Rhaenys and in the three Drachen – Balerion, Vhagar and Meraxes – it is true that the solid continent of the commoners and the House Targaryen quickly becomes the regenerating dynasty of the establishments. Sein Aufstieg zur Macht marks the beginning of this Targaryen Lordshipwho lived in Andauern for over 300 years.

Targaryen-Stammbaum: From House of the Dragon in Game of Thrones, all the major characters in the list

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House of the Dragon Characters and Characters: An Overview of the Main Characters

Character Dart counter/in Role Description
King Viserys Targaryen Rice Considine Herrscher über die Sieben Königreiche The fun king of Targaryens; Bekannt für seine Güte en seine Rechte Herrschaft.
Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen Emma D’Arcy The Baptism of the Kings The only nachfahrin of the King; an Erfahrene Drachenreiterin.
Prince Daemon Targaryen Matt Smit Brother of the Kings Impulse giver and campferfahrener Prinz; ambitious and Drachenreiter.
Otto Hohenturm Rhys Ifans Berater des Königs (Hand of the King) Loyal king of the king, but skeptical of Prinz Daemons Absichten.
Alicent Hohenturm Olivia Cooke Tochter by Otto Hohenturm Am Hof ​​​​aufgewachsen; schlau und politic gewandet, voor je Anmut-bekannt.
Lord Corlys Velaryon (‘Die Seeschlange’) Steve Toussaint Leader of House Velaryon A wight seafarer with the mighty Fleet in Westeros.
Princess Rhaenys Targaryen Eva Best Ehefrau of Lord Corlys Velaryon, cousin of the kings Drachenreiterin, wurde jedoch von der Thronfolge ausgeschlossen.
Sir Criston Cole Fabien Frankel Ritter and Son are administrators One Ritter, the most used Schwertkampfkünste berühmt ist.
Mysaria Sonoya Mizuno Vertraute von Prinz Daemon Targaryen If you want to prostitute once, you can use Spyin Maintenance.

Die Herrschaft der Targaryens: Eine Zeit der Drachen und Intrigen

Where his rule over Westeros permeates the Targaryens of time greater power, but also internal conflicts and battles. A component in the power base is controlled by Drachen. Drachen plays a hornet’s nest role in the Targaryen wars and symbolizes his superiority. When you have to deal with the time, your internal battles are also so Dances of the Dragons It may happen that a citizen krieg throws the Anhängern von Rhaenyra Targaryen and danes of Aegon II Targaryen onto the Eiserne Thron. Die Krieg führte are enormous delights and the following vollständigen Aussterben der Drachen.

The most important kings and queens of the Targaryen dynasty

  • Aegon I. Targaryen (Aegon der Eroberer): There was war with the Gründer der Targaryen dynasty in the West and the establishment of the Targaryen Royal House as a position of power on the continent.
  • Maegor of Grausame: Think of the brutal Herrschaft and the Bau der Roten Festung in Königsmund. Maegor lies keine Gegner unpunished and festigte the Power of the Targaryens on gray Weise.
  • Jaehaerys I. Targaryen (Der Alte König): Jaehaerys became the best king of the Targaryen dynasty. It is a fact that years later Westeros implements the unions and reforms, which stabilize the Empire.
  • Viserys I. Targaryen: Seine Herrschaft marks the beginning of the split in the Targaryen family, the schließlich zum Tanz der Drachen führte.
  • Daenerys Targaryen (Die Mutter der Drachen): My journey of one of the tales of the prince of the possible Herrscherin von Westeros is one of the nervous thoughts in “Game of Thrones”. With my three reborn Drachen brought the other legend of Targaryen-Power to the side.

Die Tragödie van Summerhall en der Fall der Targaryens

There are more tragic events in the Targaryens’ war Tragedy of Summerhallwith the king Aegon V. Targaryen and his son Duncan of the little star, while he relived the Dragons. This tragic war was a turning point and a dramatic event of the Targaryen power.

With the help of Robert Baratheon and Tod von König Aerys II Targaryen (Der Verrückte König) Robert’s rebellion ends with a long battle against the Targaryens in Westeros. Aerys’ thoughts and the Gräueltaten, who were there, and were affected by the Great Häuser of Westeros, was very successful.

The Rückkehr der Targaryens: Von Exil zur Macht in “Game of Thrones” and “House of the Dragon”

The History of the Targaryens was not complete or the Erzählung in the Rückkehr in “Game of Thrones”. Daenerys Targaryenthe last living Erbin of the Dynasty, who is an unermüdlich dafür in the exile, on the rightful Platz on the Eisernen Thron zu beanpruchen. My journey was carried out by Verlusten, Opfern, aber auch unerschütterlichen Willen, the Einfluss und de Vermächtnis der Targaryens wiederherzustellen.

“House of the Dragon” a part of the time in the family of the Targaryen family and a relaxing period in the turbulent time of the dragons. The series begins on August 21 and continues for 200 years with the fans of the Series in the series, as Haus Targaryen of Eiserstroon from the direction. If you give the Zuschauern the Possibilities, the Intrigues, the political Alliances and the Family Conflicts, the Haus Targaryen is geprägt haben, hautnah mitzuerleben.

House of the Dragon - that Targaryen

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Der Targaryen-Stammbaum: A complex family history

The tribe of the Targaryens is a complex and impenetrable problem. The line of the Aegon dem Eroberer bis zu Daenerys Targaryen gibt es zahlreiche bedeutende Persönlichkeiten and Ereignisse, which this Family has prägt haben. A family tree has emerged that takes a look at who the Targaryen dynasty of Rhaenyra to Jon Snow aussa; If he is sent and passed through the House Baratheon, Daenerys will have the Thron back. An overview of the generations from the Drachen to the Ereignissen in „Game of Thrones“:

Generation Key person Concept and meaning
1. Generation King Viserys I Targaryen Acting director-render König der Targaryen-Dynastie, Vater von Rhaenyra and Daemon
2. Generation Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen Tochter von Viserys I, Drachenreiterin, zentrale Figur im Tanz der Drachen
2. Generation Prince Daemon Targaryen Bruder von Viserys I, unberechenbar and grimmer Kämpfer, Drachenreiter and Thronfolger
5. Generation Aerys II Targaryen (Der Verrückte König) Letzter Targaryen-König, dessen Tod das Ende der Targaryen-Herrschaft einläutete
7. Generation Daenerys Targaryen Letzte Nachfahrin der Dynastie, versuchte, den Eisernen Thron zurückzuerobern
7. Generation Jon Snow (Aegon Targaryen) Rechtmäßiger Erbe des Eisernen Thrones, Sohn von Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark

An Influence of the Targaryens on the History of Westeros

The Targaryens were no longer ways in the Dragon Powers and in the Erobungen von Bedeutung. Your political alliances, your hereditary police, and your unconventional traditions—such as the practice of the blutsverwandten-ehe, a Dragon Blood Line that comes to a standstill—have deeply influenced the history of Westeros. When the battle for the Targaryens begins, there is talk of a truce of legends and erzählungen from the continents

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