
Now there is no more Streik

Now there is no more Streik

At Boeing, over 30,000 employees lost work. The business units lehned a new rate and stimulated with a higher temperature for a given effort. There are several ways to simplify the thought process.

Boeing, Streik, Worker

Weitreichender Produktionsstopp at Boeing

For 16 years now, the tires at Boeing have been standing still. Whoever receives the news from the New York Times goes to Freitag in the night about 30,000 damage claims for aircraft repairers in the Streik. The Mitglieder der Gewerkschaft International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) has drawn up a new tariff and voted for the Arbeitskampf.

The Australian market offers all production of manufacturing products in the Seattle region at Raum Portland. Damit comes with the Fertigung von Boeings meistverkauftem Modell 737 Max practically zum Erliegen. For the crisis-prone Konzern, the first time the war started, the production is with high quality, comes from the Streik zum Denkbar ungünstigsten Zeitpunkt.

Unsatisfied health with the improvement of Angebot

The result of the Gewerkschaftsführung ausgehandelte Tarifvertrag sah Lohnerhöhungen of minds 25 Reviews over four years before. There is a single description of the Steigerungen up to 53 Prozent. There are many Boeing improvement processes in life, life and work-life balance in Aussicht. Dennoch stimulated 95 Prozent der Gewerkschaftsmitglieder against the Vertrag.

We can not say otherwise than when we make a choice here from the delight of the alternative versorgung for the coming years. The display of the final assembly of the 787 Dreamliner in a gewerkschaftsfreies Werk in South Carolina 2009 went on for Unmut.

Neuer CEO for the greater reform

For the new CEO of Boeing, Kelly Ortberg, his career began in the Amt, the fight poses a huge herausvorerung. There is an end to the end of the fight against an Arbeitskampf: “Eindstreik has a gemeinsame Erholung and an attempt to verteuen done that can go even further.”

Boeing plays a role in the American economy. With a workforce of around 150,000, the group is one of the largest workers in the country and one of the largest exporters. A longer period can bring about the expansion of the American economy.

Analysts estimate that a Boeing with 30 notes costs 1.5 billion dollars and has a longer lifespan that destabilizes. A debt mountain of quickly 60 billion dollars and a Mittellabflusses of eight billion dollars in those years will be a spice barn for the Unternehmen die.


  • More than 30,000 Boeing-Beschäftigte are in Streik
  • Gewerkschaft IAM lehnt Tarifvertrag ab
  • Production of 737 Max models remains quiet
  • Vorgeschlagene Lohnerhöhungen bis zu 53 Prozent
  • 95 Prozent der Mitglieder is a new Vertrag
  • Neuer CEO Kelly Ortberg warns against Streikfollowen
  • Cost to Boeing: $1.5 billion for 30-day streak

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